The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 68 The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 68 Offline Mode 68 Single Player 19 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 2 Collectable 23 Missable 12 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 2 Level 1 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Outer WorldsCompleted The Outer Worlds on any difficulty. HardCompleted The Outer Worlds on hard difficulty. SupernovaCompleted The Outer Worlds on supernova difficulty. Best FriendRecruited a companion. The Harder They FallKilled a mega creature. Got Your BackKilled 50 enemies with companion abilities. Silver TongueUsed dialog skills 30 times in conversations. Poor SportsmanshipHit 30 enemies in the groin during tactical time dilation. Upgrades AvailableImproved your gear 30 times through tinkering and mods. Never SeenKilled 50 enemies with sneak attacks. Short CircuitKilled 30 automechanicals with shock damage. Health InsuranceUsed the medical inhaler 300 times. We All Fall DownTurned 100 enemies to ash with plasma damage. Tossball All StarKilled 50 enemies with a tossball stick or tossball blocker. Everything Must GoSold 10,000 bits worth of items to vendors. Everybody Likes MeHad 75% or higher positive reputation with 3 factions. Destroyer of WorldsHad 75% or higher negative reputation with 3 factions. Flawed HeroAcquired 3 flaws. Not the Best ChoiceSimultaneously equipped Spacer's Choice brand clothing, headgear, and 4 weapons. Well DressedWore 'A Nice Hat' and 'Chimaera' at the same time. Level 30Character level 30 reached. Anything for a FriendFinished a companion's quest line. Elemental MaelstromKilled an enemy that was hit with all 5 damage types. Patient NKilled 20 enemies that were infected by spreading N-rays. SkilledRaised a skill to 100. Jack of All TradesKilled an enemy with a science weapon sneak attack during TTD, with a weakspot critical hit. Well Balanced BreakfastSimultaneously had bonuses for meat, carbohydrates, sugary drink, caffeine, and alcohol. Mad ScientistKilled an enemy under the effects of 4 science weapons. Impossible MissionSucceeded at 3 dialog conversation checks with a single disguise. All for OneCompleted all companion quests. One for AllRecruited all of the companions. Welcome to Halcyon!Landed in Emerald Vale. 1 guideTicket to AnywhereGot your very own ship. Something's FishyReached Stellar Bay. Paradise FoundLanded in Byzantium. Hard TimeLanded on Tartarus. Lost and FoundSkipped the Hope. Pirate RadioStopped the Monarch broadcasts. The Audience GaspsLearned the shocking truth about the colony. SubLight to the EndCompleted the SubLight quest lines. Peace in Our TimeBrokered peace between the Iconoclasts and MSI. Monarch AbidesWon the battle of Stellar Bay. DentasticSaved the universe's greatest diet toothpaste recipe. Mightier than the SwordSaved Edgewater permanently. Ludwig was RightBrought robo-destruction to Edgewater. A Star is BornStarred in an Odeon Pictures movie. The CartographerDealt with the cartographer. SunburnSkipped the Hope into the sun. Peril on GorgonCompleted Peril on Gorgon on any difficulty. Greenlight ProtocolPowered the reactor. NDA ProtocolDestroyed the Synthesizer. Peril at HandListened to Lucky Montoya's message. Synthesize ThisFound Olivia Ambrose's journal. Lucky StiffFound Lucky Montoya's body. The PostmanDelivered the journal to Lucien. Good ListenerFound 20 Portable Phonographs. Family ReunionAchieved a compromise between Olivia and Minnie. Special P.E.T. BenefitsAcquired Special Delivery, P.E.T., and Employee Benefits. Murder on EridanosCompleted Murder on Eridanos on any difficulty. You Have Selected Regicide!Killed the Slug Queen. The Rock Or The Hard PlaceChose to either infect or cure Eridanos. The Mystery's AfootReceived an invitation to Eridanos. No Longer CluelessUsed the Discrepancy Amplifier. Interrogo TotusInvestigated every suspected and reported to Administrator Ludovico. Alive And Kicking (And Shooting Too!)Discovered the biggest secret in the aetherwave industry. Spectrum Needler BuddyAcquired Spectrum Gatling, The Needler, and Udder Buddy. Put Out of Their HappinessKilled 50 Infected Humans or Parasites. Mutt And JeffAsked a companion to be the Bad Inspector.