Here is the full list of all 57 Psychonauts 2 achievements. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.
Navigate Loboto's Labyrinth
Receive your first assignment
Make a connection in Hollis' Classroom
Shut Down the Luctopus
Cool Hollis' Hot Streak
Visit the Collective Unconscious
Repair Ford Fractured
Plate Compton's Cookoff
Complete PSI King's Sensorium
Treat Ford's Follicles
Bowl Strike City
Deliver Cruller's Correspondence
Raid the Tomb of the Sharkophagus
Discover the Astralathe
Peruse Cassie's Collection
Empty Bob's Bottles
Soothe Lucrecia's Lament
Frequent Fatherland Follies
Dissolve the Deluge of Grulovia
Find the Family Camp
Help Dion Setup Aquatodome
Complete Queepie Quest
Complete Gisu's Psychoseismometer Quest
Complete Lili's Request
Achieve Rank 2
Achieve Rank 10
Achieve Rank 50
Achieve Rank 100
Upgrade your first Badge
Fully upgrade a Badge
Acquire all Upgrades
Crack all Vaults
Find all Figments
Tag all Emotional Baggage
Equip your first Pin
Equip 3 Pins at once
Purchase all Pins
Recover your mental energy with a Dream Fluff
Upgrade to the Astral Wallet
Max out your Dream Fluff capacity
Max out your PSI Pop capacity
Purchase all Otto Shot Filters
Take a photo with the Otto Shot
Tune in to a Stray Thought
Completely fill your Astral Wallet
Consume a PSI Pop to restore some mental energy
Combine PSI Cards with a PSI Core at the Otto-Matic
Throw a Judge's gavel back at him
TK throw an object to stun an enemy
Find the real Panic Attack during his Phantom attack
Throw a Regret's anvil at another enemy
Pyro 3 enemies at once
Talk to Milla in her Office
Revisit a brain through the Collective Unconscious
Break all 3 Gramaphones in Fatherland Follies
Return to where it all started