PAYDAY 2 Achievements

Full list of all 1328 PAYDAY 2 achievements. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.

The base game contains 691 achievements, and there are 57 DLC packs containing 637 achievements.

  • Coming in Hot

    On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don't let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.

  • Fish A.I.

    On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.

  • Most Wanted

    Reach reputation level 100.

  • Like an Angry Bear!

    Equip the "Mark" mask. Celebrating 2 years of heists.

  • I Am the One Who Knocks

    On day 1 of the Rats job, cook 3 bags worth of meth without letting any law enforcer enter the house.

  • Full Measure

    On day 1 of the Rats job, cook and secure 7 bags worth of meth without blowing up the lab on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Afraid of the Dark

    On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, while doing plan B, don't let law enforcers pull the power.

  • Witch Doctor

    While wearing the "Witch" mask from the Halloween event, revive 50 crew members.

  • It's Alive! IT'S ALIVE!

    While wearing the "Frank" mask from the Halloween event, get electrocuted by a Taser 25 times.

  • Pump-Action

    While wearing the "Pumpkin" mask from the Halloween event, kill 666 enemies using only shotguns.

  • Completely OVERKILL!

    Complete all contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks "The OVERKILL Skull" mask.

  • OVERKILL Salutes You!

    Complete all contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above. Unlocks "The Death Wish Skull" mask.

  • With an Iron Fist

    Equip the 350K brass knuckles. Celebrating the release of the Death Wish update.

  • I'm a Firestarter

    Complete the Firestarter job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Breaking Bad

    Complete the Rats job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Special Delivery

    Complete the Watchdogs job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Moonlighting

    Complete the Framing Frame job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Ghost Riders

    Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different difficulty mask each.


The Diamond Store Heist

2,514 (13%)
The Diamond Store Heist

Armored Transport

1,150 (6%)
Armored Transport

Gage Weapon Pack #01

2,536 (21%)
Gage Weapon Pack #01

The Charlie Santa Heist

1,502 (7%)
The Charlie Santa Heist
  • Sewer Rats

    In the GO Bank job, complete the heist having secured all bags of cash via the sewers on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Is Everything OK?

    In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without having the alarm go off at any point.

  • Upside Down

    In the GO Bank job, leave a mark on the bank logo.

  • All Eggs in One Basket

    In the GO Bank job, have the plane pick up all bags of cash with the skyhook.

  • We Are All Professionals

    In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without the alarm going off and without killing any civilians on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Eco Round

    In the GO Bank job, complete the heist without using your primary weapon on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Dead Presents

    In the GO Bank job, put at least 4 body bags under the Christmas tree.

  • Merry Christmas!

    Equip the "Happy Santa" mask.

  • Cash in Before You Cash Out!

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • I Would Like to Move My Money to a Bank That Doesn't Get Robbed

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • The Global Elite

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • The one that survived

    In the GO Bank or the Four Stores Jobs, find and pick up the hidden Marine Trophy five times. Unlocks "The Marine" mask.

  • Go, Go, Go

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • pd_bank

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Clutch

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • Greed Gets the Best of You

    Complete the GO Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • We Can Be Trusteed

    Complete the GO Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty.


A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack

2,738 (100%)
A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack
  • Reindeer Games

    Complete a heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Christmas soundtrack or community "Santa" mask each.


The Infamy Update

2,802 (26%)
The Infamy Update

Gage Weapon Pack #02

2,144 (9%)
Gage Weapon Pack #02

The Election Day Heist

1,566 (11%)
The Election Day Heist
  • A Vote for Change

    Equip the Chimano Custom pistol.

  • I'm a Swinger

    In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favor.

  • Storage Hunter

    On day 2 of the Election Day job, steal all of the extra loot in the storage bins.

  • Master Detective

    On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the right truck.

  • Murphy's Law

    On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the wrong truck, then find nothing in the vault.

  • Death Wish Swinger

    In the Election Day job, complete the heist in stealth and swing the votes to the republican favor on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Hot Lava 2.0

    On day 1 of the Election Day job, use the computer in stealth without ever touching the ground.

  • Yes, We Can!

    Complete the Election Day job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Speedlock Holmes

    On day 1 of the Election Day job, tag the right truck and leave within a minute of the start of the heist.

  • 4 More Years

    Complete the Election Day job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • Only Losers Play Fair

    Complete the Election Day job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • Don't Forget to Vote!

    Complete the Election Day job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • Your Vote Matters!

    Complete the Election Day job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • The Most Honest Political Move

    Complete the Election Day job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • Democracy in Action

    Complete the Election Day job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Supporting Your Candidate

    Complete the Election Day job on the Death Sentence difficulty.


Gage Mod Courier

3,979 (30%)
Gage Mod Courier
  • Praying Mantis

    Collect 5 packages with the green mantis stamp on to earn a green crate.

  • Bullseye

    Collect 10 packages with the yellow bull stamp to earn a yellow crate.

  • My Spider Sense is Tingling

    Collect 15 packages with the red spider stamp on to earn a red crate.

  • Eagle Eyes

    Collect 20 packages with the blue eagle stamp on to earn a blue crate.

  • Like A Boy Killing Snakes

    Collect 25 packages with the purple snake stamp to earn a purple crate.

  • There and Back Again

    Earn one of each crate.

  • High Speed, Low Drag

    Modify the CAR-4 rifle with a Competition Foregrip, CAR Quadstacked Mag, and a Competitor's Compensator.

  • Point 'n' Shoot

    Modify any pistol with a Pistol Red Dot Sight and a Flash Hider.

  • Mall Ninja

    Modify the CAR-4 rifle with a Gazelle Rail, Tactical Compensator, Compact Holosight, Wide Stock and a Military Laser Module.

  • Russian Operator

    Modify any AK rifle with a Lightweight Rail, AK Slavic Dragon Barrel, AK Quadstacked Mag, and a Funnel of Fun Nozzle.


Gage Sniper Pack

2,287 (18%)
Gage Sniper Pack
  • Build Me an Army Worthy of

    Equip the Golden AK.762 rifle.

  • The Man With the Golden Gun

    Kill 6 Skulldozers using only the golden AK.762 rifle.

  • Lord of the Flies

    Perform 50 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Asilidae" mask, "Carapace" material and "Bugger" pattern.

  • Arachne's Curse

    Perform 100 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Tarantula" mask, "Insectoid" material and "Spider Eyes" pattern.

  • Pest Control

    Perform 250 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Vespula" mask, "Bug Shell" material and "Venomous" pattern.

  • Seer of Death

    Perform 500 headshot kills using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Sphodromantis" mask, "Hard Shell" material and "Wings of Death" pattern.

  • Far, Far Away

    Kill 25 enemies from 40 meters using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Tank Buster" Barrel for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.

  • Last Action Villain

    Perform a headshot kill on enemies using only the R93 sniper rifle while zip lining. Unlocks the "Compensated Suppressor" for the R93 sniper rifle.

  • Triple Kill

    Kill 3 enemies with one bullet using any sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Angled sight" for all sniper rifles.

  • Maximum Penetration

    Kill 10 Shields by shooting through their shields using only the R93 sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Short Barrel" for the R93 sniper rifle.

  • Dodge This

    Perform 10 headshot kills on Cloakers using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Suppressed Barrel" for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.

  • Surprise Motherfucker

    Kill 10 Bulldozers using only the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle. Unlocks the "CQB Barrel" for the Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle.

  • Didn't See That Coming Did You?

    Kill 10 enemies using any sniper rifle while zip lining. Unlocks the "Theia Magnified Scope" for sniper rifles.

  • Return to Sender

    Kill 25 Snipers using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Tactical Aluminium Body" for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.

  • You Can't Hide

    Kill 25 enemies shooting through walls or objects using only the R93 sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Wooden Body" for the R93 sniper rifle.

  • Double Kill

    Kill 2 enemies with one bullet 25 times using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Sniper Suppressor" for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.

  • Public Enemy No. 1

    Kill 250 enemies using only the Rattlesnake sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Long Barrel" for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle.


The Shadow Raid Heist

2,299 (14%)
The Shadow Raid Heist

The Big Bank Heist

1,121 (8%)
The Big Bank Heist
  • It Takes Two to Tango

    In The Big Bank job, hack the correct computer on the first try. Unlocks "The First American" mask, the "Parchment" material, the "Roman" pattern and the "Tactical Grip" for the Falcon rifle.

  • It Takes a Pig to Kill a Pig

    Drop Floyd the pig on top of a law enforcer. Unlocks "The 1st" mask, the "Exhausted" material, the "Ruler" pattern and the "Extended Magazine" for the Falcon rifle.

  • Sweet Sixteen

    Complete The Big Bank job with 16 secured bags. Unlocks "The 16th" mask, the "Clay" material, the "Spartan" pattern and the "Marksman Foregrip" for the Falcon rifle.

  • 12 Angry Minutes

    In the Big Bank job, complete the heist in under 12 minutes on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Wooden Foregrip" for the Falcon rifle.

  • Don't Bring the Heat

    In the Big Bank job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm. Unlocks the "CQB Stock" for the Falcon rifle.

  • Backing Bobblehead Bob

    Bring Bobblehead Bob to the vault. Unlocks "The 18th" mask, the "Gemstone" material, the "God of War" pattern and the "Wooden Stock" for the Falcon rifle.

  • Entrapment

    In the Big Bank job, complete the heist with 12 bags in the default escape with all the lasers active. Unlocks the "CQB Foregrip" for the Falcon rifle.

  • You Owe Me One

    In the Big Bank job, start the Big Bank job after having spent all 10 favors in Preplanning. Unlocks the "Retro Foregrip" for the Falcon rifle.

  • Don't Forget to Floss

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Funding Father

    Complete any heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Big Bank" mask each. Unlocks the "Marksman Stock" for the Falcon rifle.

  • You Can Only Plan to Fail

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • Piggy Broke the Bank

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • Broke the Piggy Bank

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • The Big Bank Theory

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Just Like in the Movies

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • Go Big or Go Home

    Complete The Big Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Size Does Matter

    Complete The Big Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty.

  • Matrix With Lasers

    In the Big Bank job, open the vault by using the "Beast" drill and escape using the C4 Tunneling asset without killing any snipers on the Death Wish difficulty or above.


Gage Shotgun Pack

2,042 (16%)
Gage Shotgun Pack
  • Police Brutality

    Beat a Shield to death using the Telescopic Baton.

  • Lock, Stock & Eight Smoking Barrels

    Own the Locomotive, Street Sweeper, Reinfeld, Mosconi, Izhma, Raven and M1014 Shotguns. Unlocks the "Flip-up Sight" for the Raven shotgun.

  • Swing Dancing

    Complete any single day of a heist, killing at least 50 enemies using only your melee weapon.

  • Seven Eleven

    Get 7 enemy headshot kills within 11 seconds using any shotgun. Unlocks the "Short Barrel" for the M1014 shotgun, "John" mask, "Explosive" material and "Terror" pattern.

  • Shotguns 101

    Complete any heist by killing at least 50 enemies and getting 101% accuracy or above using any shotgun. Unlocks the "Long Barrel" for the M1014 shotgun.

  • Knock, Knock

    Kill 50 Shields using any shotgun and slug ammo. Unlocks the "Collapsed Stock" for the M1014 shotgun.

  • Every day I'm Shovelin'

    On the Nightclub job, kill 25 law enforcers using your shovel. Unlocks the "Short Barrel" for the Raven shotgun.

  • Clay Pigeon Shooting

    Kill 10 snipers using any shotgun and flechette ammo. Unlocks the "Long Barrel" for the Raven shotgun, "Clint" mask, "Leaf" material and "Monkey Skull" pattern.

  • Shock and Awe

    Hit 4 enemies simultaneously using any shotgun and HE rounds. Unlocks the "Solid Stock" for the M1014 shotgun.

  • Bang for the Buck

    Kill 10 Bulldozers using any shotgun and 000 buckshot ammo. Unlocks the "Long Barrel" for the Street Sweeper shotgun, "Steven" mask, "Sparks" material and "Chief" pattern.

  • No Heist for Old Men

    Complete any day of a heist in stealth with a Locomotive 12G shotgun modified with the "Silent Killer Suppressor" equipped. Unlocks the "Suppressed Barrel" for the Street Sweeper shotgun, "Rutger" mask, "Banana Peel" material and "Banana" pattern.

  • Four Monkeys

    In the Rats job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Shotgun Pack" mask each on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.


Gage Assault Pack

1,969 (29%)
Gage Assault Pack
  • Precision Aiming

    Kill 25 Bulldozers using the Gewehr 3 Rifle. Unlocks the "Sniper Barrel" for the Clarion rifle, "Sniper Stock", "Sniper Grip" and "Sniper Foregrip" for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, "Precision Stock", "Precision Foregrip", "Precision Grip" and the "DMR Kit" for the Gewehr 3 rifle as well as the "Black Death" mask.

  • Big Bada Boom

    Kill at least four enemies with one GL40 grenade launcher shot. Unlocks the "Sawed-off" Stock for the GL40 grenade launcher and the "Crow Goblin" mask.

  • Army of One

    Equip the GL40 grenade launcher, the Locomotive 12G shotgun, and the Improved Combined Tactical Vest. Unlocks the "CQB Foregrip" and "Plastic Stock" for the Gecko 7.62 rifle.

  • So Many Choices

    Own one of every Gage Assault Pack weapon in the game. Unlocks the "Short Barrel" for the Clarion rifle, "Light Stock" for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, "Plastic Foregrip" and "Assault Kit" for the Gewehr 3 rifle, "Evil" material and "Vicious" pattern.

  • Artillery Barrage

    Kill 25 enemies at 40 meters or more using only the GL40 grenade launcher. Unlocks the "Wooden Stock" for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, "Pirate Barrel" for the GL40 grenade launcher, "Bone" material and "Muerte" pattern.

  • Unusual Suspects

    In the Watchdogs job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Assault Pack mask each on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Light Foregrip" for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, "Tactical Foregrip" for the Gewehr 3 rifle, "Long Barrel" for the Clarion rifle, "Void" material and "Death" pattern.

  • Not Today

    Kill a jumping Cloaker using the GL40 grenade launcher. Unlocks the "Wooden Stock", "Retro Grip" and "Wooden Foregrip" for the Gewehr 3 rifle.

  • Hammertime

    Kill 25 thugs using the Ding Dong breaching tool melee weapon. Unlocks the "Frost" material and "Emperor" pattern.

  • Rabbit Hunting

    Kill 10 Cloakers using the Gecko 7.62 rifle. Unlocks the "Skeletal Stock", "Fabulous Stock" and "Fabulous Foregrip" for the Gecko 7.62 rifle as well as the "Volt" mask.

  • Tour de Clarion

    Kill 200 enemies using the Clarion rifle. Unlocks the "Suppressed Barrel" and "G2 Grip" for the Clarion rifle as well as the "Professor Wrath" mask.


Hotline Miami

1,446 (12%)
Hotline Miami
  • Wrong Number

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Walk Faster

    In day 2 of the Hotline Miami job, reach the Commissar's apartment in under 210 seconds on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Rasmus" mask, "Tactical Foregrip" and the "Ergonomic Stock" for the Uzi submachine gun, "Chromescape" material and "Palmtrees" pattern.

  • Do You Like Hurting Other People?

    In the Hotline Miami job, kill 30 thugs with the Baseball Bat. Unlocks the "Dennis" mask, "Solid Stock" for the Uzi submachine gun, "Wooden Grip" for the Cobra submachine gun, "Rubber" material and "Hip to Be Polygon" pattern.

  • Overdose

    Cook and secure six bags of meth on day 1 of the Hotline Miami job. Unlocks the "Graham" mask, "Ghetto Blaster", "Extended Mag" and "Just Bend It" for the Blaster 9mm submachine gun, "Error" material and "Be Somebody" pattern.

  • Sounds of Animals Fighting

    In the Hotline Miami job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Hotline Miami mask each on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Silent Death" and "Folded Stock" for the Uzi submachine gun, "Suppressor" and "No Stock" for the Cobra submachine gun and "Short Barrel" for the Blaster 9mm submachine gun.

  • Phew!

    On day 2 of the Hotline Miami job, save someone in need. Unlocks the "Aubrey" mask, "Ergo Grip", "Extended Mag" and "Unfolded Stock" for the Cobra submachine gun, "Sunset" material and "Doodles" pattern.

  • Well in Russia Asshole Facks You!

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • Dennis' Menace

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • *Click*

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • Prankcall

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Running in the 80's

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • 1-800-KOMISSAR

    Complete the Hotline Miami job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.


The Hoxton Breakout Heist

1,248 (8%)
The Hoxton Breakout Heist
  • Why Don't We Just Use a Spoon?

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks "Hoxton" as a playable character and the "Nova's Shank" melee weapon.

  • No Bars Can Hold Me

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Cavity

    Hurt an enemy using the Nova's Shank melee weapon.

  • Tabula Rasa

    In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Golden AK.762 rifles and Chicago Typewriter submachine guns. Unlocks a new skill slot.

  • Situation Normal

    In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete day 2 without using a single keycard on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Wankers Beware

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • Still Got That Lucky Dollar?

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • The one who declared himself the hero

    On the Diamond Store job or on day 1 of the Hoxton Breakout job, find and pick up the hidden Cultist Trophy five times. Unlocks "The Cultist" mask.

  • Hoxworth Redemption

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Did Ya Miss Me?

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • Bring the Crew Together

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Hoxit

    Complete the Hoxton Breakout job on the Death Sentence difficulty.

  • Watch The Power Switch!

    On day 2 of the Hoxton Breakout job, don't let the cops turn off the power while Hoxton is in the server room on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.


Gage Historical Pack

2,276 (42%)
Gage Historical Pack
  • Death From Below

    Kill 25 enemies as they rappel using the Nagant sniper rifle. Unlocks the "Constable" mask, the "Silenced Barrel" and the "Long Barrel" for the Nagant sniper rifle, "Gunsmoke" material and "Dazzle" pattern.

  • Special Operations Execution

    Kill 25 enemies while in stealth using the Trench knife. Unlocks the "Red Bear" mask, "Short Barrel", "Suppressed Barrel", "Short Mag", "Folded Stock", "No Stock", "Solid Stock", "Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel" for the Patchett L2A1 submachine gun," Barrel Sight 44", "Damper.L 44 Nozzle" for the Broomstick pistol, "Red Sun" material and "Death Dealer" pattern.

  • Wind of Change

    In the Hoxton Breakout job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Historical" mask each on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Discreet Stock" and "Short Barrel" for the Nagant sniper rifle, "Precision Barrel" for the Broomstick pistol, "Extended Mag" and "Long Barrel" for the Patchett L2A1 submachine gun and the "Heatsinked Suppressed Barrel" for the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun.

  • So Uncivilized

    Equip a Broomstick pistol with the Damper.L 44 Nozzle and the Barrel Sight 44. Unlocks the "British Bulldog" mask, "High Capacity Mag" and "Holster Stock" for the Broomstick pistol, "Army Green" material and "Filthy Thirteen" pattern.

  • Bullet Hell

    Kill 10 enemies within 10 seconds using the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun. Unlocks the "Old Blood and Guts" mask, "Light Barrel" for the Buzzsaw 42 light machine gun, "Patriot" material and "Captain War" pattern.


The Diamond Heist

1,523 (16%)
The Diamond Heist
  • Devil of a Job

    Complete The Diamond job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Cat Burglar

    In The Diamond job, complete the heist without triggering the alarm. Unlocks "The Cursed One" mask, "Sand" material and "Hieroglyphs" pattern.

  • Culture Vultures

    In The Diamond job, secure 10 bags of additional loot. Unlocks the "Medusa" mask, "Rusting Metal" material and "Runes" pattern.

  • Smoke and Mirrors

    In The Diamond job, steal the Diamond and escape in under 10 minutes. Unlocks the "Pazuzu" mask, "Diamond" material and "Horus" pattern.

  • Honor Among Thieves

    In The Diamond job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different "Diamond Heist" mask each on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Diamonds in the Rough

    In The Diamond job, complete the heist, diamond puzzle and steal the Diamond after the alarm has been triggered on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Anubis" mask, "Mummy Bandages" material and "Hawk Helm" pattern.

  • Day at the Museum

    Complete The Diamond job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • The Jonssonligan

    Complete The Diamond job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • Sparkle Sparkle

    Complete The Diamond job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • Watch Your Steps

    Complete The Diamond job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Not Just Any Diamond

    Complete The Diamond job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • The Cursed Stone

    Complete The Diamond job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.


The Bomb Heists

1,157 (14%)
The Bomb Heists
  • Derailed

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • A Pine in the Ass

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Beaver Team

    In The Bomb: Forest job, cut down all trees within 5 seconds. Unlocks the "Butcher From Hell" mask, "Meat" material and "Pleter" pattern.

  • Pump It Up

    In The Bomb: Forest job, do not let the cops disconnect the water hose while you are using the river water pump. Unlocks the "Tech Lion" mask, "Marble Rock" material and "Lion Game Lion" pattern.

  • Oppressor

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job without letting any civilian flee or die, having at least five civilians in the heist, while escaping with the boat. Unlocks "The Doctor" mask, "Plywood" material and "Caduceus" pattern.

  • Maiden Voyage

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Normal difficulty or above.

  • Fisherman's Fiend

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

  • Sneaking With the Fishes

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job in stealth on the Death Wish difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Lady Butcher" mask, "Rhino" material and "Checker Board" pattern.

  • Breaking Dead

    In The Bomb: Dockyard job, find the meth lab. Unlocks the "Extended Mag" for the LEO pistol.

  • I've Got the Power

    In The Bomb: Dockyard job, don't let the enemies cut the power. Unlocks the "Long Slide" for the LEO pistol.

  • Done in 60 Seconds

    In The Bomb: Dockyard job, open the dock gate in 60 seconds using the keycards. Unlocks the "Custom Slide" for the LEO pistol.

  • High Times

    In The Bomb: Dockyard job, cook 2 bags of meth and secure them.

  • What Are You Sinking About

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • Ship It

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • I Cut Down Trees, I Skip and Jump

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

  • Keep Your Feet on the Ground

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.

  • Sailing Home

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Heavy Tariffs

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • Smooth Sailing

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • How Much Wood Would a Heister Chuck...

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Hard difficulty or above.

  • Uphill Battle

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

  • Timber Train

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Prepare to be Boarded

    Complete The Bomb: Dockyard job on the Death Sentence difficulty.

  • Make Like a Tree...and Get Out of Here

    Complete The Bomb: Forest job on the Death Sentence difficulty.


The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack

2,047 (8%)
The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack
  • OVE SAW 72000

    In the Nightclub job, complete the heist on any difficulty with each crew member using the OVE 9000 saw as primary and secondary weapons. Unlocks the "THRUST Upper Receiver", "THRUST Lower Receiver" and "Long Ergo Foregrip" for the CAR weapon family.

  • Hey Mr. DJ

    In the Nightclub job, have 12 hostages or more on the dance floor when you escape. Unlocks the "Aluminum Grip" for the AK weapon family, the "Aluminum Foregrip" for the Krinkov submachine gun and the "LW Upper Receiver" for the CAR weapon family.

  • $1.8M Speedrun

    In the Mallcrasher job, loot $1,800,000 in loose cash within 50 seconds of starting the heist. The heist must be played on the OVERKILL difficulty. Unlocks the "Scope Mount" and "PBS Suppressor" for the AK weapon family, "Alfred" mask, "Dawn" material and "Dinosaur Skull" pattern.

  • Here Comes the Pain Train

    In the Firestarter job, complete the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, with all days done in loud and with a crew of 4 players using unmodified "AK Rifle" rifles and "PARA" submachine guns. Unlocks the "DMR Kit AK.762" and the "Low Drag Magazine" for the AK weapon family, "Timothy" mask, "Prehistoric" material and "Dinosaur Stripes" pattern.

  • The Wolf Lures You to Your Grave

    In the Art Gallery job, kill two of the patrolling guards in stealth in the bathroom. Unlocks the "E.M.O. Foregrip" and the "OVAL Foregrip" for the CAR weapon family and the "Aftermarket Shorty" for the PARA submachine gun.

  • The Turtle Always Wins

    In the Art Gallery job, complete the heist in stealth within 4 minutes with each crew member wearing the Improved Combined Tactical Vest and no Armor Bag deployable equipped. Unlocks the "Classic Stock" for the AK weapon family, "2 Piece Stock" for the AK and CAR weapon families, "Pachy" mask, "Fossil" material and "Prehistoric Predator" pattern.

  • Private Party

    In the Jewelry store job, don't let the cops enter the jewelry store until the van comes back on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "DMR Kit AMR-16" and the "L5 Magazine" for the CAR weapon family, "Vincent" mask, "Feathers" material and "Dinosaur Scars" pattern.

  • The Collector

    Kill 100 cops using only weapons from the AK or CAR weapon families. Unlocks the "Keymod Rail", the "Crabs Rail" and the "Modern Barrel" for the AK weapon family.



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  • Cooking With Style

    Complete the Rats job with you and your four man crew having Combined Tactical Vests, Vulcan Miniguns, HRL-7 Rocket Launchers and "General OVERKILL" masks equipped on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

    In the Shadow Raid job, complete the heist in stealth while having the Vulcan Minigun and HRL-7 Rocket Launcher equipped.

  • Oh, That's How You Do It

    Fire the Vulcan Minigun for 25 seconds without reloading or letting go of the trigger.

    2 guides
  • We Are Rockstars On This Job

    Complete the Watchdogs job with each crew member using no skills, wielding the AMCAR Rifle and Chimano 88 Pistol on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

  • Reputation Beyond Reproach

    In the Breaking Ballot heist of the Election Day job, complete the heist with you and your four man crew without letting anyone getting downed, cloaked or cuffed on the Death Wish difficulty or above.