- State of the Art
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Sixth Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Vlad's Little Helpers
Complete the White Xmas job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Mrs. Claus" mask.
- Stealing Christmas
Complete the White Xmas job on the Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Strinch" mask.
- Cancelling Santa's Christmas
Complete the White Xmas job on the Very Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Krampus" mask.
- Claustrophobia
Complete the White Xmas job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Mechanical Santa" mask.
- Like Turkeys Voting for an Early Christmas
Complete the White Xmas job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Riders On the Snowstorm
In the White Xmas job, complete the heist on the Death Wish difficulty or above while each crew member wears a different "2014 Xmas" mask each. Unlocks the "Almir's Beard" mask.
- Impossible, It Can't Be. Is It?
In the White Xmas job, secure the rare Almir's Toast.
- Knockout!
Knock out a Bulldozer using the OVERKILL boxing gloves. Unlocks "The Champ" mask.
- Nothing Out of the Ordinary
Answer 4 pagers by yourself within 90 seconds from the first to the last pager.
- Keep the Party Going
In the Nightclub job, zip-tie the DJ and bring him to the escape zone by the escape van.
- It's Getting Hot in Here
In the Firestarter job, complete day 3 with you and your crew staying inside the vault while all of the money burns out on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Cooking By the Book
Complete the Cook Off job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Tag, You're It!
In the Car Shop job, be the first player in a four-man crew to reach the docks.
- A Dish Best Served Cold
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Silent But Deadly
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job without triggering the alarm.
- Gone in 240 Seconds
In the Car Shop job, complete the heist within 4 minutes. Unlocks "The Tids" mask.
- I'm An Avenger!
Kill the traitor. Unlocks "The Hard Hat" mask.
- High Octane
Complete the Car Shop job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Pink Slip
Enter a drivable vehicle.
- Pedal to the Metal
Complete the Meltdown job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Sunday Drive
Complete the Meltdown job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- They Don't Pay Us Enough
In the Meltdown job, secure all additional loot. Unlocks the "Rad Mutant" mask.
- There Was a Car?!
In the Meltdown job, complete the heist without using the "Longfellow".
- 400 Bucks
I may be homeless, but at least I have a sick knife.
- Aftershocked
Complete the Aftershock job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Hidden Hostages
Complete the First World Bank job with 6 or more hostages alive behind the wall by the elevators in the main lobby.
- Original Heisters
Complete the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above using the PAYDAY: The Heist crew, Reinfeld Shotguns, and Bernetti 9 Pistols.
- 1337
Complete the First World Bank job in stealth under 13 minutes and 37 seconds.
- Cloaker Fear
Complete the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above by securing all additional money bags while not using the loot vent bag shortcut for the additional money bags.
- CVL+
Complete the First World Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on the Death Wish difficulty or above and enter the OVERVAULT.
- Au Ticket
In the First World Bank job, find the Titan safe and collect the special item inside.
- Not Hard Enough
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above while Captain Winters is still present on the level.
- But How?
In the Slaughterhouse job, get the armored truck to drop without shooting at the wires on which it is suspended.
- Making a Statement
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above without anyone killing a single sniper.
- Pyromaniacs
In the Slaughterhouse job, pick up two gasoline tanks within 30 seconds of entering the slaughterhouse.
- Dead Meat
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Pork Royale
In the Slaughterhouse job, find the marked pig, secure it in the container and then complete the heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- I Want to Get Away
Jump. Unlocks the "Funnyman" mask.
- Bunnyhopping
Jump 100 times within 30 seconds. Unlocks the "No Me Gusta" mask.
- I Never Asked for This
Don't jump a single time during an entire heist. Unlocks the "Rageface" mask.
- Jump! Jump! Jump!
Complete a heist without it ever going more than 4 seconds between you jumping. Unlocks the "Dawg" mask.
- Skill Shot
In the Lab Rats job, secure a bag in the secret area. Unlocks the "Invader" mask.
- Trick or Treat!
In the Lab Rats job, complete the Cloaker event on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Satan" mask.
- Not Scary Enough
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- On the Seventh Try on Death Wish, My True Bain Gave to Me
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Santa Slays Slackers
In the Santa's Workshop job, keep all the elves alive for 30 minutes after the first assault starts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Euro Bag Simulator
Complete the Santa's Workshop job after having secured at least 100 bags in the chimney on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Rudelf" mask.
- Pumped Up and Jolly
Complete the Santa's Workshop job having all players in the crew only use shotguns. Unlocks the "Christmas Cap" mask.
- Only Santa Brings Gifts
In the Santa's Workshop job, secure 10 bags of loot without using any player equipment or assets.
- We Do It Live!
Complete the Framing Frame job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Platypus 70 sniper rifles and Judge shotguns.
- You Can Run, but Not Hide
Find and secure the goat in the Firestarter job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Blackout
Complete the Murky Station job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Ghost Run
Complete the Murky Station job within 7 minutes of starting it. Unlocks the "Cloaker-san" mask, "Rusty" material and "Rebel" pattern.
- The Pacifist
Complete the Murky Station job without anyone in the crew killing anyone. Unlocks the "Augmentation" mask, "Spaceship" material and "Squares" pattern.
- No Witnesses
Complete the Murky Station job by killing all guards and not using any ECM jammers on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Janitor
Complete the Murky Station job after hiding one body bag in each dumpster.
- Red Snow
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- The Ground Is Too Cold
In the Boiling Point job, have no crew members get downed on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Zero 68" mask, "Nebula" material and "Hexagons" pattern.
- Crazy Ivan
Complete the Boiling Point job having everyone only using melee weapons without electricity or poison to kill enemies on the Very Hard difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Safety First" mask, "Planet" material and "Phoenix" pattern.
- When in Russia... Do as the Russians Do
Complete the Boiling Point job while having your crew wear the "Russian Hat" mask and "Golden AK.762" assault rifle on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Megalo-Mania
Have all four players using a fully unlocked Maniac perk deck and have an average of 65% or more of the white Maniac bar filled.
- Saint Francis
Complete the Bank Heist job after finding the 2 punks in the parking lot and bringing them next to the van, without letting them get away or die on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Fifth Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Looting in the Dark
Complete the Murky Station job by finding and securing all loot without killing anyone on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- A Horrible Seventh Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- His Beard Was as White as Coke
Complete the White Xmas job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Kiss the Chef
In the Cook Off job, cook 25 bags of meth on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- ;)
Complete the White Xmas job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Can You See The Light?
Complete the Aftershock job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Disaster Tourist
Complete the Aftershock job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- I Know What I Like
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- A Brush With Death
Complete the Panic Room job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Painting with Blood
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Cardio Training
Complete Panic Room while having the entire crew on the roof when the escape triggers and open the basement door within 20 sec.
- Show me the Money
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Return on Investment
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- The Dentist Delight
In the Panic Room job, find and secure the giant toothbrush.
- Cash Only Please
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- All About the Green
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Don't You Dare Miss
Complete Panic Room on any difficulty with a total crew hit accuracy above 200%
- Keep on Boxing
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Just One More...
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Gold Rush
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Fort Knoxed Down
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Who Killed the Lights?
Complete the Big Oil job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Dirty Energy
Complete the Big Oil job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Hard Boiled Heisters
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- What Is It Good For?
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- You've Got a Fast Car
Complete the Car Shop job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Long Gone
Complete the Car Shop job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Clowns Can Cook Too
Complete the Cook Off job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- In the Name of Heisenberg
Complete the Cook Off job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- The Fat of the Land
Complete the Firestarter job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Got Money to Burn
Complete the Firestarter job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Just Walk Straight Into the Bank
Complete the First World Bank job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- First World Problems
Complete the First World Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Window Shopper
Complete the Four Stores job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Platinum Card
Complete the Four Stores job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- What a Flat!
Complete the Framing Frame job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Frames Per Second?
Complete the Framing Frame job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Wankers Get Shanked
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Not the Forgiving Kind
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Bling Bling Gone
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Fire Sale
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Rats and Meatballs
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- I Survived Lab Rats with One Down And All I Got Was This Achievement
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- A $2000 Sports Car
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- I'll Break Your Malls
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Now is the Nuclear Winter of Our Discontent
Complete the Meltdown job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Dr. Strangevlad
Complete the Meltdown job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- It's Just Drones On And On
Complete the Murky Station job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- EMPathy
Complete the Murky Station job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- This Was Easier in the Tutorial...
Complete the Nightclub job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Not on the Guest List
Complete the Nightclub job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Captain Cook
Complete the Rats job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- My Chemical Brothers
Complete the Rats job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- On my Twelfth Try with One Down, The True Pain Began
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Of Pigs and Pigs
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Slaughterfest
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Getting Back at Dmitri
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Dmitri, Dearest of All My Friends!
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Dallas Security Firm
Complete the Watchdogs job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Fight Like Cornered Animals
Complete the Watchdogs job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Upstanding Citizen
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- A Sad Vlad is Bad
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- For the Republic
Complete all of the Elephants contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Democracy at Work
Complete all of the Elephants contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Colombian Imports
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- We Can Trust This Guy
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Trusted Friends
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Crime.net is My Homepage
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Master of Mayhem
Complete all contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above. Unlocks "The Mayhem Skull" mask.
- A Heister of Legend
Complete all contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty. Unlocks "The Death Sentence Skull" mask.
- Panic in the Projects
Complete the Panic Room job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- The Definition of Safe House is Changing
Complete the Panic Room job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Nightmare Machine
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- All Cloakers Eve
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Haunted House of Heisters
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Salem Asylum
On the Prison Nightmare job, get on the train in less than 4 min and 44 sec on the Mayhem difficulty or above. You have to have played the heist from the start. Unlocks the "Risen Wolf" mask.
- A Long Night of Horrors
Complete the Prison Nightmare job, getting at least 15 keycards on the Mayhem difficulty or above without any player ever going into custody. Unlocks the "Risen Chains" mask.
- He's Got Experience
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Hard difficulty or above by having 1 player playing as Hoxton, all having Nova's Shank melee weapon equipped, and are only allowed to kill enemies using Nova's Shank. Unlocks the "Risen Houston" mask.
- Snowfall
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Snowstorm
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Thundersnow
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Imitations
On the Stealing Xmas job, find and take both "Paycheck" masks. Unlocks the "Paycheck Dallas" and "Paycheck Chains" masks.
2 guides
- The Grinch
On the Stealing Xmas job, secure all additional loot on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Christmas Party
On the Stealing Xmas job, escape the heist while keeping at least 10 zip-tied civilians alive within the 4 pillars around the Christmas tree.
- We Don't Need No Water...
Complete the Heat Street job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Running the Gauntlet
Complete the Heat Street job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Hills Street Blues
Complete the Heat Street job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Zookeeper
On the Heat Street job, find and steal all animal posters and escape.
- Patience is Key
Complete the Heat Street job without using any gas cans.
- It's Nice to be Nice
Complete the Heat Street job without killing any civilians on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Indulge in Crime
Reach rank 50 in the Crime Spree.
- Revel in Criminal Activity
Reach rank 100 in the Crime Spree.
- A Vast Amount of Unlawful Transgressions
Reach rank 250 in the Crime Spree. Unlocks the "Mega Rust" mask.
- Jack the Rippers, Prison Slippers!
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Taking the High Road
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Raincoat" outfit.
- Breaking the Four-Piece Suit
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Jack Rabbit Parole
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Beat the Shield
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Rabbit Ride
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- A Bridge Too Far!
Complete the Green Bridge job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- I Felt Bad for Him
On the Green Bridge job, do what you can for the Dying Man.
- Caution! Wet Floors
On the Green Bridge job, escort the convict from the van to the scaffolding while never touching the ground, on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Back to Prison
On the Green Bridge job, free and zip-tie all extra prisoners in the prison vans.
- The only one that is true
In the Bank Heist or the Jewelry Store Jobs, find and pick up the hidden Bullet Trophy five times. Unlocks "The Bullet" mask.
- Criminal Origins
Complete all contracts on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks "The Normal Skull" mask.
- Hacking Crime.net
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Hello To You, My New Friends
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Mercenary for Hire
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Locke & Load
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Drain the Swamp
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Completed, Fo' Sho'
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Friendship Frozen
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Winter Camo Parka" outfit.
- Chilly Deception
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Ice Cold Treachery
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- A Cold Deal
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Snowy Deceit
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Arctic Backstab
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Treason in Alaskan
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- There Was Room For Two
In the Alaskan Deal job shoot the SWAT that is hanging on to the door out in the water.
- The Fuel Must Flow
In the Alaskan Deal job don't let the cops cut off the flow of fuel from the tank to the ship on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Headless Snowmen
In the Alaskan Deal job find and shoot the heads off on all the snowmen.
- Hello, My Friends!
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Ally From the East
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- On the Rise
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Madman Absolution
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- That's a 4.0 on the Heist Scale of Magnitude
Complete the Aftershock job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Lift With Your Legs
Complete the Aftershock job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- A Safe Drive to L.A.
Complete the Aftershock job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Bring it Back Safe
Complete the Aftershock job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Cash or Credit
Complete the Four Stores job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Shoplifter
Complete the Four Stores job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Five Finger Discount
Complete the Four Stores job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Stomping Grounds
Complete the Four Stores job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- No Return Policy
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Fury Day
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Black Friday
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Like a Bull in a China Shop
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Warehouse Workers
Complete the Meltdown job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Critical Mass
Complete the Meltdown job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- A Little Plutonium Won't Hurt Me
Complete the Meltdown job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Heist Fever
Complete the Nightclub job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Do the Kozak Dance
Complete the Nightclub job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Can't Teach a Bad Dog to Stay Off the Dance Floor
Complete the Nightclub job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Party Hard!
Complete the Nightclub job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Milk and Cookies
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Bad Boy Factory
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- All I Want for Christmas is Cocaine
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Santa's Little Helper
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Sold Out
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Stocking Stuffer
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- How the Winch Stole Christmas
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Getting on the Naughty List
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Precious Delicious
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Heisters and Tiaras
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- The Princess is in Another Safe!
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- The Jewel in the Crown
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Lambchop
Complete all of The Butchers contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Meat Tenderizer
Complete all of The Butchers contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Excuse me, There's a Bullet in My Pork...
Complete all of The Butcher's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Well Done
Complete all of The Butcher's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Prime Cuts
Complete all of The Butcher's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- As Fit as a Butcher's Dog
Complete all of The Butcher's contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Everybody Owes, Everybody Pays
Complete all of The Butcher's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Vintage Villainy
Complete all Classic contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Deja Vu
Complete all Classic contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Just Like Old Times!
Complete all Classic contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- PAYDAY: The Heist
Complete all Classic contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Reminds Me of Myself Back in the Day!
Complete all Classic contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Glory Days
Complete all Classic contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- 145+ Down
Complete all Classic contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- I Would Like to Speak to the Manager
Complete the First World Bank job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- A Sense of Déjà Vu
Complete the First World Bank job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- First Robbed Bank
Complete the First World Bank job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Listen Up! This Is a Robbery!
Complete the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- The Heat's Around the Corner
Complete the Heat Street job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Hard Street
Complete the Heat Street job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Washington City Marathon
Complete the Heat Street job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Ghetto Bonfire
Complete the Heat Street job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Keep Calm and Carry on... Shooting
Complete the Panic Room job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Flying Money
Complete the Panic Room job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Don't Panic
Complete the Panic Room job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Demolition Crew
Complete the Panic Room job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Some Kind of Piggy Bank
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Legacy Tactical" outfit.
- Makin' Bacon
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Black and Blue and Broken Bones
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Puts the "S" in Laughterhouse.
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- I'd Like a Dinner Reservation for Twelve
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Bourbon Perhaps?
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Do I Look Civilized to You?
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Noise Complaint
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Baba Yaga
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Nobody is That Good...
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- I Know Who You Are
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- I Need My PAYDAY 2
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- A Tooth for a Tooth
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Flawless
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Doctor of Crime
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Out of the Jaws of Death
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Jaw Dropping
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Snitches Get Stitches
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Breaking and Entering
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Serve Cold
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Thanks for Your Contribution
Complete all of the Elephant's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Politics Is Serious Business
Complete all of the Elephant's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Fraudulent Elections
Complete all of the Elephant's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Friends in High Places
Complete all of the Elephant's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Throw Some Oil on the Fire
Complete the Big Oil job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Basic Capitalism
Complete the Big Oil job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Diesel is My Juice
Complete the Big Oil job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Black Gold
Complete the Big Oil job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- The Paintings Are Looking at Me!
Complete the Framing Frame job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Name & Shame
Complete the Framing Frame job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Senator Set-up
Complete the Framing Frame job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Picture Perfect
Complete the Framing Frame job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Holiday Special
Complete all Event contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- This is Not Normal? Is It?
Complete all Event contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Fever Dream
Complete all Event contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Marked in the Calendar
Complete all Event contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- The Heisters Day Out
Complete all Event contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Expanded Reality
Complete all Event contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- And Now for Something Completely Different
Complete all Event contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Maybe the Table Is Just Really Huge?
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Itsy Bitsy Heisters Cooking Meth All Night Long
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Bain, I Shrunk the Heisters
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Arachnophobia
Complete the Lab Rats job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Heister's Nightmare
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Normal difficulty or above.
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Jailhouse Rock
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Cloaker Phantasm
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Small Operation
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- ¡La Victoria es Nuestra!
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Bloody Pennies
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Plata o Plomo
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Hector's Heroes
Complete the Firestarter job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Playing With Matches
Complete the Firestarter job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Flame War
Complete the Firestarter job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- A Burning Love for Loot
Complete the Firestarter job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Cooking for Dummies
Complete the Rats job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Get the Rat Poison!
Complete the Rats job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Infestation
Complete the Rats job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Science Expertise
Complete the Rats job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- I Swear Officer, We are Not Transporting Drugs
Complete the Watchdogs job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Every Dog Has Its Afternoon
Complete the Watchdogs job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- A Truckload of Kicking Ass and Taking Names
Complete the Watchdogs job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Payday Transport Service
Complete the Watchdogs job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Too Close to Home
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Not in My Backyard
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Where's Your Warrant?
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Home Invasion
Complete the Safe House Raid on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- House Party
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Heister Hospitality
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Welcoming the Neighbors
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Alright Boys n Girls
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- No Cops Were Harmed
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Remote Controlled Contractor
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Truly Hardcore
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- This is Fucking War Baby!
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- White Death
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Take Out His Beating Heart, and Fucking Eat It!
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Modern Cold War
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Hardcore Heisting
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Dropping the EMP Bomb
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Sawmill Massacre
Complete the Boiling Point job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- EMP, Easy as 1-2-3
Complete the Murky Station job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- We Raid It Hardcore
Complete the Murky Station job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Explosive Cargo
Complete the Murky Station job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- I Washed My Hands in Murky Water
Complete the Murky Station job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- We Started Real Low...
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Man in the Shadows
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the Hard difficulty or above.
- 4 Man Army
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- We've Become the Bain of their Existence!
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Heisting By Numbers
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Art Attack
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Art Lovers
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Stealing Is a Form of Art
Complete the Art Gallery job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- No Thermal Drill was Harmed During the Heist
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Harvest & Not So Trustee
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Waddles of Cash
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Dolla Dolla Dolla Bling Bling!
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Lockpicker
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Taking a Deposit
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Master of Unlocking
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Veni, Saw, Vici
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Taking the Bars
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- We are Golden
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Goldmember
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Came for the Money, Stayed for the Gold
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Bank Robbery for Dummies
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Random Access Larceny
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Trustee Robbers
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Winning the Loottery
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Are We There Yet?
Complete the Car Shop job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Student Driver
Complete the Car Shop job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Burning Rubber
Complete the Car Shop job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Drive It Like You Stole It
Complete the Car Shop job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Grandmother's Recipe
Complete the Cook Off job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Bain's Bakery
Complete the Cook Off job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- So You Think You Can Cook Meth?
Complete the Cook Off job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Kiss the Chemist
Complete the Cook Off job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- There is Always a First Time
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- As Cool as Ice
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- All That Glimmer isn't Gold
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Master Thief
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Valuable Ornaments
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Tactical BDU" outfit.
- Some Very Expensive Rocks
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Costly Gems
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Precious Stones
Complete the Diamond Heist on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Shiny Pieces of Carbon
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Well Guarded Jewels
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- A Hard Won Price
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Blood Diamond
On the Diamond Heist secure the red diamond on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Dead Change
Steal from the Dead.
- The Hunt for the Blue Sapphires
On the Diamond Heist find and pick up every sapphire outside the vault on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Walking the Dogs
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Black Tie, White Noise
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Break out the Popcorn
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Parental Guidance Suggested
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Shot of Rabies
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- More Blood than Bullets
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Every Heister Has His Day
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- United We Heist
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above using only the Union 5.56 Rifle.
- Get Off My Property
On day 2 of the Reservoir Dogs job, keep the law enforcers from entering the warehouse until Twitch arrives with the escape van.
- Pinky Swear
On day 2 of the Reservoir Dogs job, escort Mr. Pink back to the warehouse within 60 seconds after rescuing him from the car on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Waste Not, Want Not
On day 1 of the Reservoir Dogs job, loot and secure all available bags of diamonds and jewelry in the Garnet Group boutique on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Close Shave
On the Reservoir Dogs job, kill 92 special enemies with the Alabama Razor on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Sweet Talk the Teller
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Hard Crackin'
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- They Don't Make 'Em Like This Any Longer
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Hidden Treasures
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Layers of Copper
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Layers of Iron
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Brooklyn Battle
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- All the Gold in Brooklyn
On the Brooklyn Bank Job escape with at least 12 bags of gold on the Very Hard Difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Alces" mask and the "Canis Lupus" mask.
- Obsessive Opening
On the Brooklyn Bank Job open at least 30 deposit boxes and all 3 ATMs on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Felis Lynx" mask and the "Ursus Maritimus" mask.
- Animal Kingdom
On the Brooklyn Bank job, complete the heist while you and your four man crew are wearing one different Brooklyn Bank animal mask each on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- One More Down, No More To Go
Complete all contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated. Unlocks "The One Down Skull" mask.
- Crime.net Expert
Complete all of Bain's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Back in My Days
Complete all Classic contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Tell Me Why You Fall
Complete all Event contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Just an' Old Country Doctor
Complete all of Dentist's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- It Always Ends the Same
Complete all of Hector's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Home is Where the Battle is
Complete all of Jimmy's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Vernon's Shenanigans
Complete all of Locke's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Explosive Personality
Complete all of The Butcher's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Pleasure Doing Business With You
Complete all of The Continental's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- The Second Statesman
Complete all of the Elephants contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Vlad Will Sing You a Song
Complete all of Vlad's contracts on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Seventh Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Vlad's First Response Team
Complete the Aftershock job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Boreal Betrayal
Complete the Alaskan Deal job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Connoisseurs of the Fine Arts
Complete the Art Gallery job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Rich Man's World
Complete the Bank Heist: Cash job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Lockpicking Masters
Complete the Bank Heist: Deposit job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Nothing Glitters Like Gold
Complete the Bank Heist: Gold job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Hey, It Looks Like You are Robbing a Bank
Complete the Bank Heist: Random job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Bunker Buddies
Complete the Beneath the Mountain job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Slick Heisting
Complete the Big Oil job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- EZ
Complete the Boiling Point job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Layers of Steel
Complete the Brooklyn Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Petrolhead
Complete the Car Shop job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- My Compliments to the Chef
Complete the Cook Off job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Bad Code
Complete the Diamond Heist on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Cursed Wealth
Complete The Diamond job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Some People Want to See the World Burn
Complete the Firestarter job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Bank on Me
Complete the First World Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Four Heister Discount
Complete the Four Stores job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- An Artful Heist
Complete the Framing Frame job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Thank You for Flying With OVERKILL Airline
Complete the Green Bridge job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Sticky Asphalt
Complete the Heat Street job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Yes, I Rather Like Hurting Other People, Thank You For Asking
Complete the Hotline Miami job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- The UnSafe House
Complete the Hoxton Revenge job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- The_heister27
Complete the Jewelry Store job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Petty Crimes
Complete the Lab Rats job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Throwing a Tantrum
Complete the Mallcrasher job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- A Magnitude of Trouble
Complete the Meltdown job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
Complete the Murky Station job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Shoot to the Beat
Complete the Nightclub job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Forceful Eviction
Complete the Panic Room job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- On the Edge of Madness
Complete the Prison Nightmare job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Exterminator
Complete the Rats job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right
Complete the Reservoir Dogs job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Castle Doctrine
Complete the Safe House Raid on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- By a Christmas Miracle
Complete the Santa's Workshop job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Lots of Pigs, But no Pigs
Complete the Slaughterhouse job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Christmas Greetings From Russia
Complete the Stealing Xmas job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Pretty Pretty Princesses
Complete the Ukrainian Job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Avoiding the Dog Pound
Complete the Watchdogs job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Drunk Flying
Complete the White Xmas job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- A Little Past Midnight
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Dead, Wrapped in Plastic
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Fast Track to Hell
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- If It Bleeds, Kill It
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Nowhere to Run
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Chaos Breeds Order
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Bain's Lament
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- All You Need is A Knife
Complete the Cursed Kill Room job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- First Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Second Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Third Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Fourth Nightmare
Complete the Safe House Nightmare job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Compact Confrontation
Kill a Sniper from a distance of 40 meters with the Compact 40mm Grenade Launcher.
- Human Sentry Gun
Kill 20 enemies with a Light Machine Gun while using the bipod without un-deploying.
- Denied
Destroy 30 Flashbangs before they detonate.
- Hipster
Complete a day of any job in loud without ever aiming down the sights of your weapons.
- Just Shut up and Take My Money!
On day 1 of the Reservoir Dogs job, hit the cashier in the Garnet Group boutique with the Money Bundle melee weapon.
- Golden Grin Anonymous
Spend at least a $1,000,000,000 in the Offshore Payday.
- Quick Draw
In the Panic Room job, kill all gangsters within 60 seconds after masking up on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Federal Assurance
In the First World Bank job, kill all Bulldozers in the vault within 30 seconds after jumping down the hole.
- Silver Tongue
On day 1 of the Reservoir Dogs job, convert the cashier in the Garnet Group boutique to fight for you.
- I'm Sure No One Heard That
On the Ukrainian Job, complete the heist in stealth after triggering the alarm with the metal detectors.
- Remember, No Russian
In the Boiling Point job, scan all 4 bodies without letting the mercenaries turn off the power or stop the scanner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- The Safe Words are Police Brutality and Irony
Kill a Cloaker with the Telescopic Baton.
- C-40
In a single day of any job, place at least 40 trip mines.
- Damn it, Bile...
On day 2 of the Big Oil job, have Bile trigger the alarm.
- Van Gogh to Hell
In the Art Gallery job, throw a painting onto a toilet.
- Draganborn
In the Safe House, hit the punching bag in Dragan's gym for over 500 points in a single hit.
- Masterpiece
In the Art Gallery job, secure all paintings in stealth without killing any security guards.
- Say Hello To My Halloween Friend!
In the Cursed Kill Room job, Acquire all 7 "Deadly Sins" masks.
- Faster! Faster! I can do it faster!
In the Cursed Kill Room job, open at least 6 safes in a single run on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- A Junkyard Full Of Junkies
On day 1 of the Big Oil job, kill all of the bikers within 1 minute of the heist starting.
- Down Payment
On the First World Bank job, kill the bank manager with the Money Bundle melee weapon.
- Global Warming
Complete the Alaskan Deal job with all crew members using only Flamethrowers.
- Virus
Play a heist together with a player who has this achievement on your crew.
- Snipe This!
Kill a Sniper with a melee weapon.
- The Raid Gang
Complete the Safe House Raid and don't let the cops pick up any bags on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- One Man Army
Complete any job in loud on your own on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
Stop a charging Cloaker with either the Buzzer or Electrical Brass Knuckles melee weapons.
- Lieutenant Colonel
Convert 300 enemies to fight for you.
- Drive By
Kill 10 enemies while in the passenger seat of a vehicle.
- A Tazed of Your Own Medicine
Kill a Taser with either the Buzzer or Electrical Brass Knuckles melee weapons.
- Donut Run
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Cordial Infiltration
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Breaking Protocol
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Sticking it to the Commissioner
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Don't Wake the Feds
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Crimes and Misdemeanors
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- The Fall of Solomon
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Garrett's Foil
Complete the Breakin' Feds job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- A Moment of Silence
In the Breakin' Feds job, don't alert or kill any guards until Commissioner Garrett used the toilet on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Stalker
In the Breakin' Feds job, have Commissioner Garrett marked at all time after he left his office, until you have opened his safe.
- Staple Relationship
In the Breakin' Feds job, find, rescue and return the stapler to the small office.
- Sand in Your Shoes
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Murkywater's Lost and Found Department
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Kicked a Tumbleweed
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Oasis of Bullets
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Prairie Heister
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Dust Devil Adventurer
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Not in Kansas Anymore
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Heisting on the Salt Flats
Complete the Henry's Rock job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- The Red Button
In the Henry's Rock job, push the red button and escape.
- Hidden Secrets
You found something really weird.
- Boom, Headshot!
In the Henry's Rock job, headshot all five test mannequins in the Weapons Lab using a Pistol and/or Akimbo Pistols within 3 seconds.
- Trip to the Coast
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Tuxedo" outfit.
- Stomped on a Spider
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Shipwreck Survivor
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Salem's Lot
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Hey, you guys!
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Even Death May Die
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Never Say Die
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Going once...
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- The Auction Cry
Complete the Shacklethorne Auction job in stealth within 5 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Press [F] to Pay Respects
Press [F] to pay respects.
- Heavy Metal
In the Shacklethorne Auction job, use the metal detectors to find a civilian that is carrying something heavy. Unlocks the "Monkey Wrench" melee weapon.
- Awaiting Trial
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Misdemeanor
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- 3rd Degree Felony
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Laundry Duty
Complete the Hell's Island job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Too Many License Plates
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Escape from Alcatraz
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Death Wish difficulty or above
- Call from the Mayor
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Last Meal
Complete the Hell's Island job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- Prison Rules, Bitch!
In the Hell's Island job, kill 13 enemies with the Nova's Shank Melee on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Another Way Out
In the Hell's Island job, Free all of the prisoners in Cell Block A before opening Bain's cell on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Beacon of... nope
In the Hell's Island job, Shoot out the light on the lighthouse.
- Just Some Medical Students
Complete the No Mercy job on the Normal difficulty or above. Unlocks the "Scrubs" outfit.
- Interns on the Floor
Complete the No Mercy job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- Becoming Residents
Complete the No Mercy job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- A General Practitioner of the Medical Art
Complete the No Mercy job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- A Couple of Fellows
Complete the No Mercy job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- Attending the Ill and Sick
Complete the No Mercy job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Consulting the Chief Physician
Complete the No Mercy job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Filing for Malpractice
Complete the No Mercy job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- ...or was it the blue one?
In the No Mercy job, cut the correct wire opening the ICU door security system.
- Keeping the Cool
Complete the No Mercy job on the hard difficulty or above without raising the alarm before reaching the ICU.
- Nyctophobia
Complete the No Mercy on the hard difficulty or above, getting the power back up within 5 seconds of it being shut down.
- Strolling through the Rose Garden
Complete The White House job on the Normal difficulty or above.
- Just Like John Adams
Complete The White House job on the Hard difficulty or above.
- You Can't Vote Twice
Complete The White House job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.
- Setting Your Sights On 1600 Penn
Complete The White House job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- A Hearing in Congress
Complete The White House job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.
- A Night at the Theater
Complete The White House job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.
- Party Like it's 1812
Complete The White House job on the Death Sentence difficulty.
- Taking the Oval Office in Style
Complete The White House job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated.
- A Heist to Remember
Find a fitting souvenir from The White House job and take it with you.
- Big Brother
Complete The White House job in stealth and without destroying a single camera on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- President For a Day
Complete The White House job while wearing any presidential mask on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- A Good Haul
In any Branch Bank job, secure loot bags for a value of at least $400.000.
- Self Checkout
In the Mallcrasher job, complete the heist and escape within 3 minutes.
- Attacked Helicopter
In the Green Bridge job, kill the helicopter turret before the plane picks up the prisoner on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Hack This!
In the Henry's Rock job, destroy the security turrets instead of shutting them down on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Let them Boogie
Complete the Nightclub job, without setting off the alarm on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- Out Of Bounds
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, secure 12 bags without letting any law enforcer enter the warehouse on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- What's in the Box?
On the White Xmas job open 40 packages before escaping on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
- The End
- Three Cherries on the Slot Machine
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the Golden Grin Casino heist.
- Dinner, a Show and Some Blackjack
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the Golden Grin Casino heist.
- Don't Forget to Bring Rain Man
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the Golden Grin Casino heist.
- Cleaning out the House
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the Golden Grin Casino heist.
- Break the ATM
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the Big Bank heist.
- Teller Hold
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the Big Bank heist.
- Higher Stock Values
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the Big Bank heist.
- The Bank Manager Must Be Worth Something
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the Big Bank heist.
- A Sale in Sporting Goods
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the Mallcrasher heist.
- Throw a Cop in the Fountain
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the Mallcrasher heist.
- Let's Trade in the Food Court
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the Mallcrasher heist.
- Halfoffius, God of the Mall
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the Mallcrasher heist.
- Play It Again, Hox
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on The Alesso Heist.
- Just Another Floorshow
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on The Alesso Heist.
- Louder than a Boom Box
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on The Alesso Heist.
- Finely Tuned Heister
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on The Alesso Heist.
- Don't Let Them Get Wet
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the Boat Load heist.
- How Many Life Preservers
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the Boat Load heist.
- A Different Kind of Exchange in the Docks
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the Boat Load heist.
- Wait for a Bigger Boat
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the Boat Load heist.
- Hide Them in the Vault
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist.
- Tie Them to the Chairs
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist.
- Would you Rather Be Robbing the Place?
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist.
- A Different Level of Scoring
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist.
- Holdout in the Sun
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the Heat Street heist.
- A Nice Day for a Hostage Situation
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the Heat Street heist.
- Sit Them Down on the Curb
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the Heat Street heist.
- Money on the Asphalt
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the Heat Street heist.
- Maybe that Statue is Worth More
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on The Diamond heist.
- No Heisters Here, Just Us Dinosaurs
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on The Diamond heist.
- This Hostage Belongs in a Museum
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7of Holdout on The Diamond heist.
- Worthy of Permanent Display
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on The Diamond heist.
- The Hat of a Mariachi
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the San Martín Bank heist.
- Scorpions and Negotiators
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the San Martín Bank heist.
- Seven Mexican Standoffs
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the San Martín Bank heist.
- Federales on the Run
Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the San Martín Bank heist.