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It is impossible to get this achievement.

2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Missable - These achievements can be missed.
Locked 19 Jan 2016 19 Jan 2016
15 1 4
I got this solution from The Mute Gamer website.

For those lucky enough to have it work, here's the guide:

1) Walk over to desk 435. It's in the first cubicle area you go into as soon as you leave your office.

2) Click on the computer.

3) Achievement?

According to their site, only 1 in 15 people should be able to get this achievement. Which is obviously a little lame. So, here's a guide for you to get it if the odds weren't in your favor.

1) Make sure the game is closed.
2) Edit your config file, it is located in your Steam folder. For example: D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Stanley Parable\thestanleyparable\cfg\config.cfg just open it with any text editor
3) Add this line to the file (in a new row): bind “x” “~;_u”
4) Save the file then right-click it and chose properties. (at least in windows…)
5) Check the attribute “Read-only” and save this change.
6) Open the game
7) Hit the “x” key
8) Wait a few seconds (it felt like forever for me. But, it was probably less than 10 seconds)
9) Achievement Unlocked!
10) Dance

The Mute Gamer has some good explanation on how this method was discovered as well as a little video for the first part of this walkthrough for those interested.
CyanaxI was one of the 14 unlucky people. What the hell is this achievement anyway? Great solution though, thumbs up!
Posted by Cyanax on 06 Dec 17 at 06:49
XonatronHere's The Mute Gamer's video you spoke of and description link:
Posted by Xonatron on 30 Mar 20 at 01:47
Peridot HeartInterestingly, I got this by pressing the button on desk 435. However, I didn't get it every time I tried, it seems like it just happened when I pressed it after starting the game again for what felt like the 50th time, and while trying out other things in the game, I just pressed it every time I walked by it and then it eventually worked. I don't know what I might have done otherwise for it to unlock, but it has left me wondering if perhaps there is a chance of it working on a statistic for everyone in some way?
Posted by Peridot Heart on 13 Jan 21 at 03:41
AleranWorked for me, thanks! When copying and pasting from this guide, my computer added stylized "smart quotes" to the paste output in the config file. I made sure to manually change those to regular quotes.
Posted by Aleran on 25 Apr 22 at 20:36
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