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Common Sense

Beat the game with a deck of only common cards.

Common Sense0
2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.
Locked 12 Dec 2018
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I personally made it with the Defect and with ton of patience and retries.

Defect has some really good common cards to deal a nice amount of damage each turn.
Here is my deck:
- Claw+ (x2)
- Beam Cell+(x1)
- Go for the Eyes+ (x1)
- Hologram+ (x3)
- Streamline+ (x2)
- Sweeping Beam+ (x2)
- Rebound+ (x1)
- Defend+ (x2)

I also got 1 relic that REALLY helped me : Kunai!
I play a lot of 0-cost attacks every turn, and my dex literally exploded during long fights. I reached at least 11 or 12 during my last fight again the awakened one.
Unceasing Top may be very useful too in this type of deck but I didnt manage to get it.
Empty cage and busty crown were my picks after bosses.
I also got some "money" relics during my run, they were useful to help me get rid of my strikes and defends.
I aimed a lot at "?" events, in order to get useful event to remove a "card from my deck". Believe me, you definetely won't want to have strikes in your final deck!

The way I played my deck is quite straight forward:
1. - Beam Cell / Go for the Eyes if I have them in hand
2. - Streamline & Claw
3. - Hologram to repick Stramline or claw
4. - Rince and Repeat from 2 as long as you can offord with your energy/hologram cards.
5. - If you no longer have Hologram nor Streamline nor Claw, Sweeping beam is a good card to draw, even with only 1 enemy.

Good luck hunting this... You'll surely need some.
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