Slay the Spire Achievements Full list of all 46 Slay the Spire achievements. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 26 achievements, and there are 8 DLC packs containing 20 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 47 Single Player 2 Level 2 Time/Date 10 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Time Consuming 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Shrug It OffWin a battle with 1 HP remaining. PurityHave 3 or fewer cards in hand, draw, and discard pile combined. Come At MeWin a combat without playing an Attack. The PactExhaust 20 cards in a single combat. AdrenalineHave 9 Energy during a single combat. 1 guidePowerfulHave 10 or more buffs during combat. 1 guideJaxxedHave 50 or more Strength during combat. 1 guideImperviousHave 99 or more Block during combat. BarricadedHave 999 Block during combat. CatalystApply 99 or more Poison on a single enemy. 1 guidePlagueDefeat 3 enemies with Poison in a single combat. NinjaPlay 10 Shivs in a single turn. 1 guideInfinityPlay 25 cards in a single turn. 2 guidesYou Are NothingDefeat a boss in a single turn. 1 guidePerfectDefeat a boss without taking any damage. 1 guideThe GuardianDefeated the Guardian. The GhostDefeated Hexaghost. The BossDefeated the Slime Boss. The AutomatonDefeated the Bronze Automaton. The CollectorDefeated the Collector. The ChampionDefeated the Champ. The CrowDefeated the Awakened One. The ShapesDefeated Donu & Deca. The Time EaterDefeated the Time Eater. RubyBeat the game with the Ironclad. EmeraldBeat the game with the Silent. Update The Dealer 42 10 1 0.00912912 (100%) Eternal OneObtain all other Achievements. Update Thinking Ahead Update 166 60 6 0.0011,299993 (9%) Who Needs Relics?Beat the game with a single relic. 1 guideSpeed ClimberBeat the game in under 20 minutes. MinimalistBeat the game with a 5 card deck or smaller. 2 guidesOoh Donut!Finish Donu with a Feed. Ascend 0Unlock Ascension mode. Ascend 10Complete Ascension Level 10. Update Hello World Update 80 30 3 0.007,7551,149 (15%) SapphireBeat the game with the Defect. Common SenseBeat the game with a deck of only common cards. 2 guidesFocusedHave 25 or more Focus during combat. 2 guides Update The Ritual Update 51 20 2 0.005,5481,308 (24%) NeonChannel 9 Plasma in a single turn. 1 guideMy Lucky DayWin a Daily Climb. Update Custom Mode Update 25 10 1 0.002,4482,448 (100%)0-1h The TransientDefeat the Transient before it fades away. 1 guide Update Bane Update 35 10 1 0.001,2721,272 (100%) Ascend 20Complete Ascension Level 20. Update The Final Act Update 97 40 4 4.003,8172,148 (56%)40-50h Ruby+ 1 guideEmerald+ 1 guideSapphire+ 1 guideThe End? 1 guide Update The Watcher 46 20 2 0.004,2192,178 (52%) AmethystBeat the game with the Watcher. Amethyst+Complete the Ending with the Watcher.