Here is the full list of all 22 Theres Poop In My Soup achievements. It takes around 0-1 hour to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.
Get a total score of 25,000
Get a total score of 50,000
Get a total score of 100,000
Get a total score of 250,000
Unlock Beijing
Unlock Paris
Poop right in the soup!
Poop right in his icecream...mmm...
Poop all over the family
Do not touch the floor in Beijing
Poop on madame and monsieur baguette
Poop on all the french girls
Complete the NYC to-poo list
Complete the Paris to-poo list
Complete the Beijing to-poo list
Use the firework ability
Use the runny tummy ability
Use the bomb ability
Get a total score of 500,000
Complete all the to-poo lists
Get a total score of 750,000
Get a total score of 1,000,000