Theres Poop In My Soup Reviews

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    There's Poop in my Soup is a short-lived casual title where you play the role of a toddler who has a butt for a face; yes, much like that amazing South Park episode. The entire goal of the game is to fling your poop down onto unsuspecting people, all the while meeting goals from your To-Poop checklist.

    The game has simple enough mechanics; you maneuver left, right, forward, and backward, all the while deciding who your next poo victim will be. Will it be the mother pushing the stroller? How about the taxi driver? Maybe that unsuspecting, well groomed poodle? It's ultimately up to you, and each person or item you hit will further your combo and score. Once you unlock a set number of goals, you will unlock a special power and a new stage. The power that is unlocked is dependent on which level you are playing on; New York City has a poop bomb, Beijing has poop fireworks, and Paris has Runny Tummy... basically, diarrhea.

    Yes, there are only three levels in There's Poop in My Soup, which is a big downfall of the title. Each level, along with all of their To-Poop checklist goals, and the achievements, can be completed within 40 minutes to an hour. After that, there is little to no replayability. I will say, however, that the game itself runs great and I had no issues with glitches, bugs, or crashes. For a buck o' nine CAD, it's not a bad ride to take; there have certainly been worse in the last few months. I recommend this title since it's a fun and not-so-serious excursion, plus you can imagine pooping on your idiot coworkers... YES CINDY, I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU.

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