System Shock Achievements Here is the full list of all 46 System Shock achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 46 Offline Mode 46 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 11 Collectable 13 Missable 7 Cumulative + 3 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply I’ll See You Again, HackerCollect all other Achievements Through The Looking GlassExit the Medical Healing Suites DecryptedDestroy the Medical CPU Nodes Shields Up!Deploy Isotope X-22 and enable the Radiation Shields Override SuperpositionDisable the Safety Override for the Mining Laser Thermal BOOMingDestroy the Mining Laser I’ll Be BackDefeat Edward Diego Jargon CypherReplace the Interface Demodulator and fix Subsystem Relay 428 Anti-VirusJettison Beta Grove on the Executive level No ReceptionDestroy the Antenna Relays on the Systems Engineering level Can’t Turn Back NowStart the Reactor Self-Destruct Countdown Edward DIEgoKill Edward Diego Hacker? You Hardly Know’er!Destroy the Cyber Core in each Cyberspace level The Key To Vector SigmaUse the Isolinear Chipset It’s Over.Defeat SHODAN All Patched UpUse every type of Dermal Patch System ShockedRecharge 20 times at a Power Station Look At You, SnackerConsume 30 Food and Drink items Garbage CollectionSalvage 100 Junk Items at Salvage Stations En Garde!Acquire a Laser Rapier This Is My Boomstick!Discover all firearms Not Even My Final FormFind and install every Weapon Modkit Maxed OutFind the final version of all Hardware Attachments Load ‘em Up!Buy 10 Ammo Items from Ammo Depots Enjoy Your PurchaseBuy a Grenade from a Vending Machine 1 guideHacking SkillzSolve 15 Circuit or Wire Panels without using a Logic Probe Remote ControlHack 20 enemies which have been acquired by the Target ID Hardware Goldberg’s RicochetKill an enemy by bouncing a shot from the Ion Rifle Neon AnnihilationKill two or more enemies with a single Plasma Core 1 guideZapperKill two or more enemies with a single Railgun Projectile TV DinnerKill an enemy with an Overhead Monitor Asunder The InfluenceKill 10 enemies while under the effects of the Berserk Combat Booster Somebody Set Up Us The BombKill three or more enemies with a single explosive weapon 1 guideDéjà VuDefeat Edward Diego while en route to the Life Pods Finish Him!Kill Edward Diego with the Laser Rapier Get AheadDefeat all of the Cortex Reavers on Citadel Station Off The GridDestroy all of SHODAN’s cameras and CPU Nodes The Inside ScoopFind all Audio Logs and Data Sticks on Citadel Station Look At You, HackerComplete the game Don’t Forget To Salt The FriesComplete the game on the highest difficulties SupersleuthDiscover a Hidden Door 1 guideThe Longest JumpJump across the big ramp in the Storage level En PassantSolve the Chess Puzzle in Delta Grove Gut-WrenchingFind the hidden Wrench. This looks familiar… In the Not Too Distant FutureFind the hidden Audio Log Head HunterFind Skully, the Nightdive skull, on every level