Out There Somewhere Achievements Here is the full list of all 36 Out There Somewhere achievements. It takes around 3-4 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The DigBreak 10 blocks during one playthrough Light BridgesYou have to wonder if they could make anything ELSE out of light. Hit 100 blue beams with teleshots during one playthrough Beam me up, ScottyHit 100 green beams with teleshots during one playthrough Permission deniedHit 100 red beams with teleshots during one playthrough Mirror mirrorHit 100 mirrors with teleshots during one playthrough Teleport machine gunHave 5 or more teleshots on the screen at once RasputinGet killed by lava, monsters, explosions, shots, and a moving platform, during one playthrough 1 guideNow all I need is courage and a brainFind an ancient alien artifact A small step...Travel 100 screens On a walkaboutTravel 150 screens Around the worldTravel 250 screens Infinite runnerTravel 500 screens The truth is out there (somewhere)Travel through 50 unique screens during one playthrough All your base are belong to usTravel through 75 unique screens during one playthrough 107%Travel through 87 unique screens during one playthrough Fifth ElementFind 5 abandoned cores during one playthrough 1 guidePlan 9Find 9 abandoned cores during one playthrough 1 guideThe 11th CoreFind all 11 abandoned cores during one playthrough 1 guideStar killerKill 50 enemies UnstoppableKill 150 enemies Have a plan to kill everyone you meetKill every monster in the game at least once during one playthrough 1 guideJust chillingStand still for 60 seconds This is pointlessStay in the same room for over 8 minutes 1 guideNever give upSpend 5 minutes in a room before going to a never-before visited one 1 guideBut how?Have 30 or more teleshots on the screen at once 1 guideDiplomatTalk to all the aliens in the game in one playthrough 1 guideA link to the heartFind all 3 ancient alien artifacts in one playthrough 1 guideHuge SuccessFinish the game Swift successFinish the game in less than an hour Swiftest successFinish the game in less than 20 minutes Telejump ManiaJump after being teleported 5 times in less than 8 seconds I always get nauseous after teleportingDefeat Grigori without using the teleport gun 1 guideDaredevilMake it to the Alien City without touching any checkpoints ShortcutFind a way around the Treemen's Domain ..Thanks?Get an unsatisfactory compliment 1 guideAnd this is my weaponFind the Gauss Gun upgrade