Master Reboot Achievements Here is the full list of all 20 Master Reboot achievements. It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply DUCKTECTIVE INSPECTORFind all of the blue ducks DUCKTECTIVEFind half of the blue ducks WELCOME TO THE SOUL CLOUDComplete the full game 1 guideMASTER REBOOTFind the alternative ending 1 guideGOING VIRALFind all the virus symbols WELSH WIZARDComplete the full game in Welsh 1 guideTHE VIRUS, THE GLITCH & THE WARDROBEAttacked by the virus in the closet 1 guideFIRST CLASS TICKETGet the monorail to the Mainframe 1 guideFURTHER DOWN THE RABBIT HOLEMake the right choice in the Library 1 guideHEAVY READINGGet crushed by a bookcase in the Library SCARED OF THE DARKComplete the Hospital Level without a torch 1 guideDESIGNATED DRIVERComplete the Street Level without taking a hit 1 guideASTRONOMICALComplete the planet puzzle in the School Level without checking the answer 1 guideUNLUCKY DUCKLINGGo down the wrong path in the Fairground Zero Level 1 guideI DON'T LIKE AEROPLANE FOODComplete the Aeroplane Level without dying 1 guideSMACK MY GLITCH UPHit all the viruses in the Graveyard Level 1 guideTHE FINAL COUNTDOWNComplete the Final Level in record time 1 guideWHALES INTERACTIVETouch the whale on the Beach Zero Level 1 guideAM/FMListen to the radio show in your Soul Village 1 guideINDUCKTIONRead the employee handbook