F1 2020 Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 F1 2020 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 41 Offline Mode 7 Online Mode 2 Online/Offline 47 Single Player 9 Versus 4 Main Storyline 6 Cumulative + 1 Level 5 Shop 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply New Kids on the BlockSet up your own F1 team and show your car to the world at the pre-season car reveal First OutingDrive your team's car out on track for the first time in My Team mode Promising StartComplete your first race weekend in My Team mode Data GathererComplete 10 Practice Programmes in F1 during My Team or Driver Career Hats OffGet on the F1 podium for the first time You Didn't See AnythingActivate a Flashback 1 guideBecome One with the CarComplete a race using Elite Driver Proficiency (Standard Race Style) Look at you go!Play a captured highlight Phoenix from the AshesWin a race after starting in last position on the grid Get ShiftyWin a race whilst using manual transmission EnthusiastRead information on any car in the showroom Sign on the Dotted LineSuccessfully complete a Driver/Team Negotiation during a season in Driver Career or My Team 1 guideMake it YoursEdit a Driver, Car and Badge in Customisation RepresentFill every sponsor slot with sponsors on a Car livery Who are you!?Change your driver head part way through a My Team or Driver Career playthrough. Ditch the DownforceComplete a clean Time Trial lap using the 'Maximum Top Speed' car set up preset Making PaperReach $100,000,000 lifetime earnings in My Team mode We Are the ChampionsGain 9 positions during a wet race at Brazil in the Brawn BGP 001 Legend Status AchievedWin the F1 Drivers Championship Started from the BottomWin the Constructors Championship with your team in My Team mode 1 guideBig Name SigningSuccessfully hire an acclaim level 15 or higher Driver in My Team mode Front of the GridAchieve pole position The Perfect WeekendSet the fastest time in all 3 Practice sessions, take Pole Position and win the Grand Prix So it BeginsComplete Ranked Placement races and achieve a Rank. 1 guideFinding your FeetComplete 10 Online Races Well on Your WayComplete 25 Online Races Half CenturionComplete 50 Online Races Full PotentialFully upgrade any facility area in My Team One for the 'gramMake an adjustment within photo mode Who You Gonna Call!?Beat a Personal Best Ghost and Rival Ghost in Time Trial Squeaky CleanComplete 10 Clean Online races Mad Tash for the Finish LineWin a race in the 1992 Williams FW14B at Silverstone The Orange ArmyWin a race at Zandvoort as Max Verstappen Bragging RightsWin any online race Red River RacerComplete a 25% or above race at Hanoi Team BuildingPurchase any upgrade for a Facility in My Team Here Comes the MoneyComplete 2 or more Secondary Sponsor Goals in one race weekend Its Time for the Perk-olatorPurchase all available Perks in Driver Career or My Team 1 guideThe Camera Loves YouAnswer 100 press interview questions in My Team or Driver Career 1 guideOhh FriendsJoin a League What do you want, a medal?Get a League Medal Glove at First SightEquip a new pair of gloves from the Podium Pass or Item Shop Chicken DinnerWin any Championship Event Grab the PopcornSpectate an online race Busy BodySuccessfully completed 50 activities in My Team mode Show Off!Complete 5 Invitational events during My Team or Driver Career Maxing OutApply all vehicle upgrades from one R&D department Remember the NameReach a Team Acclaim level of 20 in My Team mode My PreciousSet a favourite trophy Dat Reaction Speed (DRS)Activate DRS perfectly on all zones of any track