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DOOM + DOOM II Achievements

Here is the full list of all 33 DOOM + DOOM II achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • Alternate Dimension

    Find a secret level.

  • Clean Slate

    Kill all monsters in any monster-filled level on 'Hurt me plenty' or higher.

  • Burning Out of Control

    Complete any monster-filled level with 100% kills, items, and secrets.

  • A Man and a Half

    Get 20 kills using the berserk powerup in a single level.

  • Untouchable

    Complete 8 different levels sequentially under par time without dying on Ultra-Violence or higher.

  • Kill It With Fire

    Immolate a total of 30 arachnoid enemies with the Incinerator.

  • Screen Wipe

    Obliterate 50 enemies with a single shot of the Calamity Blade.

    2 guides
  • DOOM

    Reach the end of 'DOOM'.