DOOM + DOOM II Achievements Here is the full list of all 33 DOOM + DOOM II achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 33 Offline Mode 33 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 4 Cumulative + 2 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Guns Are For WussesGet 25 kills with your Fists in a single level. Until It Is DoneGet 100 Chainsaw kills. 1 guideShoot It Until It DiesFinish off a Cyberdemon with the Pistol. GroovyGet 3 multi-kills with the Shotgun. Skeet ShootingKill 4 enemies in 1 shot with the Super Shotgun. Heavenly JoyShoot 200 bullets consecutively with the Chaingun. Bowling for GibsGib three or more enemies with a single rocket explosion. Cookin' With PlasmaKill 5 enemies in 5 seconds with the Plasma Rifle. OverkillKill only a single enemy with a BFG9000 blast. Timing Is EverythingKill 2 enemies with a single barrel explosion. DoormatCrush a corpse in a door. OverpreparedFinish a level with 200% armor and 200% health. Indiscriminate HeadhunterKill one of every enemy. 1 guideNot So Friendly FireCause an enemy to kill another enemy. More Like a DreamComplete a level on Nightmare difficulty. HoarderFinish a level with 100% items picked up. The Only Thing They Fear Is YouComplete any monster-filled level with 100% kills without taking any damage on Ultra-Violence or higher. An Important Looking DoorFind a secret area. Alternate DimensionFind a secret level. Clean SlateKill all monsters in any monster-filled level on 'Hurt me plenty' or higher. Burning Out of ControlComplete any monster-filled level with 100% kills, items, and secrets. A Man and a HalfGet 20 kills using the berserk powerup in a single level. UntouchableComplete 8 different levels sequentially under par time without dying on Ultra-Violence or higher. 1 guideKill It With FireImmolate a total of 30 arachnoid enemies with the Incinerator. Screen WipeObliterate 50 enemies with a single shot of the Calamity Blade. 2 guidesDOOMReach the end of 'DOOM'. SigilReach the end of 'Sigil'. DOOM IIReach the end of 'DOOM II'. No Rest for the LivingReach the end of 'No Rest for the Living'. Master LevelsReach the end of 'Master Levels for DOOM II'. EvilutionReach the end of 'TNT: Evilution'. PlutoniaReach the end of 'The Plutonia Experiment'. Legacy of RustReach the end of 'Legacy of Rust'.