Here is the full list of all 63 DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT achievements. It takes around 80-100 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • Birth of a Legend

    Complete at least 10 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of "Legend," "Legend of Legends," or "Legend of Legends of Legends."

  • Growth of a Legend

    Complete at least 20 unique premium deliveries in each order category with an evaluation of "Legend of Legends" or "Legend of Legends of Legends."

  • A Helping Hand

    Issue your first supply request.

  • The Automation Revolution

    Complete a standard order with a delivery bot.

  • Apprentice Builder

    Complete your first structure (signs, ladders, and climbing anchors also count.)

  • Master Builder

    Complete at least one of every type of structure (including signs, ladders, and climbing anchors.)

  • A New Day for the UCA

    Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA.

  • In Sam We Trust

    Connect all facilities to the UCA.