2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered General Hints & Tips

Being the general shooter, there aren't really too many tips one can give. You should be able to use a controller if you like, but as you're likely already aware, a mouse is far better at being accurate than a controller is.

When going for intel and the individual weapon kills, keep in mind that doing these tasks does not have to be done on Veteran. A good method of tackling the game would be to play a mission on Veteran to learn the layout and so forth, then clean up the intel, new weapons, and any other miscellaneous achievements on Recruit. That way you're used to the level at the highest difficulty setting and can breeze through the secondary runs with ease.

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Those familiar with the game or Call of Duty in general shouldn't have much issue with completing the game, but even those new to the game will find that the achievement list will very quickly dwindle down faster than anticipated. The story pages are written with the assumption that you're playing on Veteran; feel free to not pay attention to Intel or new weapons (which you need to keep track of yourself) until you replay the level at a lower difficulty.

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