Bugsnax Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 Bugsnax achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Everybody Gets OneCatch your first Bugsnak. 1 guideWonderfallsCheck behind the waterfall for secrets. 1 guideGone HomeFind your way to Snaxburg. 1 guideCombo MealTransform a Grumpus with Bunger, Fryder, and Sodie. 1 guideSay Cheese!Scan a Grumpus after saucing them with cheese. 1 guidePerf DirtSteal Beffica's diary from her cave. 1 guideDouble TrapperCatch more than one Bugsnak in your Snak Trap at once. 1 guideGrab BagEmpty one biome of all its Snakpods. I'm StuffedFully transform a Grumpus. 1 guideFeeding FrenzyFully transform every Grumpus. 1 guideLaunch PartyStun a flying Bugsnak by launching another Bugsnak at it. 1 guideClotheslineStun a Bugsnak with the Trip Shot attached to your Buggy Ball. In The Arms of the GrambleDonate max amount of Bugsnax to Gramble's ranch. QuartermasterCatch 25 unique species of Bugsnax. Halfway ThereCatch 50 unique species of Bugsnax. Got to Catch Them AllCatch 100 unique species of Bugsnax. Midnight SnakTransform Gramble. That Reminds Me of A PuzzleSolve the secret of the lava cave or the secret of the dunes. Candid CryptidScan the Snaxsquatch. Sundae BestTransform a Grumpus with Scoopy, Banopper, and Cheery. Know Thy NeighborReturn every Grumpus to Snaxburg. Talkin' Bout BugsnaxInterview every Grumpus. Bossy BugsDefeat all of the Legendary Bugsnax. DocumentarianWatch all of Lizbert's video diaries. SidetrackedComplete all of the side quests. SurvivorAll of the Grumpuses survive. Live Laugh HutFully furnish your hut. Dapper CapperCollect 10 hats. Deep ImpactComplete the adventure at Broken Tooth. Vacation's EndComplete the main story of Bugsnax.