Barn Finders Achievements Full list of all 47 Barn Finders achievements. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 28 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 19 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 28 Offline Mode 28 Single Player 3 Main Storyline 13 Collectable 1 Missable 3 Cumulative + 2 Cumulative - 1 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (23)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Young FartThis Is The Way Master of Number TwoFind all Golden Toilet Papers. Uncle Billy MakerDrink from a Delirium Moonshine Bottle. Ready for the MeetingDrink from all Delirium Moonshine Bottles. Our Producer asked for thisScore a point with a chicken. Comics Are FunCollect all Dog Cops Comic Pages Just for SafetyClean 3 Shirley Love dolls Thank_you_for_the_supportDestroy 6 Developer's picture frames. Your trash my moneyRepair one Broken Item. Hard WorkerRepair all Broken Items. Never AloneDrop a Shirley Love on your bed. I will kick your eggsScare the thief away. Employee of the MonthYou packed and sent all Special Job Items. Blame the KebabGo to a toilet five times in a row. Bank Robber DaddyYou had $5000 in your wallet. Trash CollectorCollect $500 by selling Valuable Trash. Tv Show ReferenceYou won a M.I.K.K.O's Bid Wars Special Event. Material FocusYou had $10000 in your wallet. The Barn FinderYou went on Vacations We can be HeroesYou saved someone's life. Full Metal BackpackYou assembled the HellStorm Flamethrower Low BudgetYou tried to hit somebody with an axe. Dirty SpotYou cleaned one Dirty Item. Wash your handsYou cleaned all Dirty Items. We need more vehiclesCollect One Big Machine. Living the DreamCollect all Big Machines. Do itScore 500 points playing the Basketball Challenge Life UpgradeBuy all M.I.K.K.O Stations. Add-on Amerykan Dream 73 50 5 3.25298191 (64%) Begin the DreamAccept your first Job from Amerykan Dream DLC Use SmokeSmoke the bees for the first time! Causes atherosclerosisPick up Burger recipe at Diner Barn I love you honeyMake delicious blood orange honey Unicorns LegacyPick up Horse Rider Trophy Add-on Bid Wars DLC 318 140 14 2.0014755 (37%) Back to business It should be easier after all Where's mo money If you want to be rich Like a rolling stoner 1 guideHigher culture 1 guideEverybody is in the place 1 guideLast movie ticket 1 guideShould work? 1 guideYou know this is a potty? 1 guideBid, Sale, Sleep, Repeat 1 guideget rich or bid tryin' 1 guideEverything fits perfectly 1 guideMIKKO MAN 1 guide