3. American Truck Simulator General achievements

Like a boss "Successfully park a trailer at a hard delivery point"

When you reach your destination, choose the first parking option, park there and you get this achievement:

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Not a problem "Successfully park a trailer at a delivery point"

Easy one, just choose the park option when you reach you destination. Either normal or hard, both work.

Gas guzzler "Use a gas station"

To be awarded with this achievement you must tank your truck on one of the gas stations. They are marked with an icon. Use YOUR OWN truck!

Rig master "Buy your own truck"

Just buy a truck. The cheapest truck available is the Peterbilt 579 Duty Cabin at 118.560$ Just visit a Peterbilt truck dealer and buy one. You can take a loan to do it faster if you can't wait to gather the money.

Pimp my truck "Buy and apply a custom paintjob"

To gain this achievement you must go the car repair shop, then select the paint shop category and select a "custom color metallic paint" and set it as you want.

What's your BMI? "Use a weigh station"

This one is a bit random when it will happen, but eventually it will come. The only way to make it faster is by using the highways that have many weigh stations. Then the possibility will be higher. The concept is that a message pop up in your gps and demands you to pull over to the next weigh station.

Cha-ching "Earn 100K dollars delivering cargos"

You will get this just by completing more and more deliveries. Choose to take missions with the highest price per distance possible. Also, when you take cargos with your own truck and not with quick job, the payment is bigger. You need to earn 100K in total, not in hand, so taking any fines won't affect the counter.

Company collector "Perform deliveries for at least 15 different companies"

To gain this achievement you must perform jobs for at least 15 different companies in the game. It can be "quick order" or "consignment". You can damage the cargo or be fined. It is allowed to take deliveries to the same city from which you have taken it. Companies available in the game are:

  • 42Print
  • Bitumen
  • Bushnell Farms
  • Charged
  • Chems
  • Coastline Mining
  • Darchelle Uzau
  • Gallon
  • HMS
  • Oakland Shippers
  • Port of SF
  • Plaster & Sons
  • Rail Export
  • Sell Goods
  • S Crops
  • Tidbit
  • Voltison Motors
  • Wallbert

I think i like it "Finish 50 deliveries"

Another progress achievement. You can do this fast by choosing quick jobs for small distances or even within the same city.

High five "Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles"

Maybe the hardest achievement. You need to be really careful!! Never hit the cargo (the truck doesn't count, it can be hit). Never get a fine, that means never pass with red light, never crash another car, never get caught by the police for speeding, have your lights on at night, never drive on the opposite side and make sure you sleep as much as you need! Best way to avoid the speeding is just by sticking at the limit speed and lock on it with the autopilot. Beware though, the speed limit change between different types of roads. And finally don't get late.

It's 600 miles - 965.6 kilometers - so it needs patience and frequent saves.

  • High Five

    Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles

    High Five

Final makeover "Fully upgrade one of your garages"

Upgrade one garage to the 3rd level, the one that can fit five trucks. You can do that by choosing the "my garages" tab, select the one you want to upgrade and click on the top left image to upgrade it.

Warming Up "Drive 10.000 miles during deliveries"

This is a progress achievement that you will eventually do it just by completing a few deliveries.

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