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"Spam" Achievement Games Now Have A Capped Score On TrueSteam

  • GortusGortus36,735
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 14:33
    Makes sense, nice job!
  • QuistyQuisty140,456
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 15:35, Edited on 23 March 18 at 15:36 by Quisty
    Suddenly, I'm 700 positions higher on the leaderboard. Impressive how these achievement spam games can screw up with the scores.
    Thank you for making this change. Hopefully this will discourage people from supporting asset flip sellers and buy some real games instead.
  • Posted on 23 March 18 at 15:56
    Nice change.
  • XeinokXeinok794,812
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 17:22
    thirtysmooth said:
    missiloon said:
    if logistical will not be added to the spam achievement list, wouldn't that be unfair to those who played Zup! ? You have to play the game as well.. sounds to me like the same excuse.
    ...and the average time taken to unlock each achievement.
    The difference between these two games is that you can unlock multiple achievements in Zup! in a matter of minutes, where the achievements in Logistical take hours upon hours. The completion time difference between the two is huge.
    This is definitely a bit of a false positive since the average Logistical player semi-idles the game and usually plays it while watching TV or playing something else at the same time. It's a lot of "set order, wait, set order, wait".

    I feel like Logistical would have probably been fine as one game, since Steam capped any single game to 5000 achievements, but Logistical as a series is the exact same game/gameplay over and over with new town names and an incredibly bloated value with its insanely overly-granular achievements. The developer shows no signs of slowing down and has already released tens of thousands of achievements into the Steam platform, all for solving very simple "puzzles" which are each easier than a Zup level, for example.

    Games like Payday 2 and ToME are certainly pressing up into this realm because of their stacking difficulty achievements which basically multi-award you for the same achievement, although it IS typical for most players to work their way up the difficulty levels as they are learning the game since both games are quite difficult and have steep learning curves (even Portal 1 has stacking difficulty achievements which multi-award if you complete Gold medal level). Games like Dofus/PPU/Zaccaria have many achievements but each is a fairly separate/involved/skill-based task for the most part so I can't consider them as spam.
  • Posted on 23 March 18 at 18:37, Edited on 23 March 18 at 18:42 by ch0colatemilk
    I've got a few of these games. I don't mind. It makes it more fair for everybody. In fairness to Zup you ACTUALLY have to play the game. You can't just sit in the menu and idle for an hour to for 5000+ achievements. I genuinely enjoy the minimalist puzzle experience of Zup, the achievements are just a bonus. Some may still consider them spammy, but at least they are a GAME (no matter how minimalistic). These asset flips can't even be classified as games. These such as Achievement Hunter ____ should absolutely be nerfed.

    I absolutely see why you guys would do this though. I feel like it was kind of a long time coming. Will even out the site a bit more. I use TS, TT and TA. It's crazy to see how my score is here compared to TA or TT... since consoles only have upwards of 120+ achievements/trophies MAX. Very rare to see it cap past 100 even. Steam's limit of 5000 does seem a bit outrageous.
  • TwistorTwistor729,012
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 19:21
    This is great news, thank you!

    I stopped using the site a few weeks ago because I felt the leaderboards was useless, and it was annoying being trumped in there by gamers who play these games that I despise for their cheap meta marketing strategy.

    I only came back today to check in another 100%. But now I can return it to my always-open tabs.
  • GummydropGummydrop255,079
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 19:40
    Really happy to hear this, achievement spam games exist solely to exploit people who use websites like these. I feel sorry for the people who spent their money on those garbage games to inflate their scores, but this was a long time coming.
  • daysocksdaysocks202,256
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 20:47
    Great decision, but I will say that if Logistical was added to the spam games list I would never use the site again, because I have put so much time into Logistical to have all that work dismissed because some people don't like how many achievements it has would upset me greatly.
  • RichtoonRichtoon83,912
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 22:09
    Boo!! I was 36. Now 148th :( I guess I'm only one who isn't happy with it lol
  • XeinokXeinok794,812
    Posted on 23 March 18 at 23:03
    daysocks said:
    Great decision, but I will say that if Logistical was added to the spam games list I would never use the site again, because I have put so much time into Logistical to have all that work dismissed because some people don't like how many achievements it has would upset me greatly.
    Logistical also has its point value capped on AStats, and diminished values on SteamHunters and MetaGamerScore, just FYI.
  • EraserlegEraserleg130,781
    Posted on 24 March 18 at 00:48
    Before I had gotten serious about getting achievements I played a few of these "spam games." I am very glad they are finally being capped! I always felt guilty having a lot of points because of them, thank you guys!
  • Posted on 24 March 18 at 05:38
    Seems legit. Kind of cool to be in the top 1000 now, too. It always felt weird to me that one random game (Lines Free) gave me like 3k points, even though it was like an hour long. Glad to see it worth a much more reasonable point total now.
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 24 March 18 at 08:38
    About Logistical

    The game does have a lot of achievements - thousands, as do it's standalone add-ons.

    However: I've put 52 hours into Logistical: British Isles so far, and have unlocked less than half of the achievements. (Every town is a puzzle, and every puzzle has one associated achievement).

    The series is definitely NOT achievement spam, as it can take dozens to hundreds of hours to just play one country to completion. (I'm also 45 hours into the base game and haven't even finished the east coast of Australia).

    To the guy above who says you can idle it whilst doing something else: You really, really can't. Even with all the recent keyboard shortcuts and things added, you're constantly moving goods and managing trucks and routes. The game absolutely does not play itself. In fact, the only bit of AI you can use is a button to tell a truck to hold back some of it's cargo so as to not overfill a request from a town.

    The game and it's standalones do have an inordinate amount of achievements, but they are all earned through fair play.

    Unlike games like Zup! which will award fifteen achievements for one action, every one is unique, has a unique unlocking requirement and it's own original artwork.
    [spoiler]England #3 for TSA score and achievements won[/spoiler] ~ Vae Victis! ~
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 24 March 18 at 08:38
    Xeinok said:
    daysocks said:
    Great decision, but I will say that if Logistical was added to the spam games list I would never use the site again, because I have put so much time into Logistical to have all that work dismissed because some people don't like how many achievements it has would upset me greatly.
    Logistical also has its point value capped on AStats, and diminished values on SteamHunters and MetaGamerScore, just FYI.
    You really hate Logistical, don't you?
    [spoiler]England #3 for TSA score and achievements won[/spoiler] ~ Vae Victis! ~
  • Posted on 24 March 18 at 11:17
    With the beloved original Achievement Leaderboards now become skewed, by having to compare apples with oranges, and an algorithm tool designed to identify these "spam games" now in place, couldn't the TSA website be split off into two separate leaderboards: one for the original (real) apples and the second leaderboard for the intruding (immigrant) oranges?
    Never again would the twain have to meet! :)

    P.S. This would also be a template for handling whatever misshapen forms of game might happen to evolve in future.
    ...and when The Lamb opened the 7th seal: the other 6 seals were extremely jealous!
  • SellymeSellyme1,065,153
    Posted on 24 March 18 at 12:21, Edited on 24 March 18 at 12:28 by Sellyme
    IceBlueSilverSky said:
    couldn't the TSA website be split off into two separate leaderboards: one for the original (real) apples and the second leaderboard for the intruding (immigrant) oranges?
    A leaderboard that doesn't cap spam already exists.

    The result of spam being an instant 50,000 points was that the points leaderboard and achievements won leaderboard were near-indistinguishable anyway.
  • Posted on 25 March 18 at 11:17
    Thank you, TSA! <3
  • Shad0wdarShad0wdar11,443
    Posted on 25 March 18 at 11:25
    Yeah hot damn that's a lot of achievements for some games, broken system.
  • daysocksdaysocks202,256
    Posted on 25 March 18 at 15:43
    Xeinok said:
    daysocks said:
    Great decision, but I will say that if Logistical was added to the spam games list I would never use the site again, because I have put so much time into Logistical to have all that work dismissed because some people don't like how many achievements it has would upset me greatly.
    Logistical also has its point value capped on AStats, and diminished values on SteamHunters and MetaGamerScore, just FYI.
    And I don't use those sites, so what's that got to do with price of bread?

    The point is, I have 300+ hours in the various Logistical modules, and less than 25% of the overall achievements. It is categorically not a spam game, and just because sometimes you can get lots of achievements in a short space of time does not mean that it devalues other games.
  • PerfidPerfid75,223
    Posted on 25 March 18 at 15:51
    Good job! ^^
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