Pos |
Gamer |
Achievements Won |
1 |
TheStranger |
1,632,477 |
2 |
Parzival |
1,513,546 |
3 |
1,510,044 |
4 |
SellymeThe points reckoning has arrived! |
1,506,358 |
5 |
DDtective |
1,494,046 |
6 |
hannez |
1,489,024 |
7 |
DarkTerminatorLet's start gaming. |
1,455,232 |
8 |
Deiru |
1,438,932 |
9 |
ThertexSi hablas español y buscas completar logros, agregame, seguro que podemos ayudarnos |
1,426,194 |
10 |
1,418,701 |
11 |
Lollipop |
1,407,534 |
12 |
Xeinokhttps://AchievementHunting.com | https://twitch.tv/Xeinok |
1,407,035 |
13 |
Dargart |
1,404,806 |
14 |
private_pile |
1,401,835 |
15 |
NovaScotiaSeanFeel free to add me on steam and discord for multiplayer achievements |
1,401,627 |
16 |
Zelasis |
1,400,832 |
17 |
LonerDHowl in dreams |
1,396,993 |
18 |
Icemember |
1,390,440 |
19 |
Guinea |
1,383,497 |
20 |
bron99 |
1,381,997 |
21 |
Skaery |
1,379,450 |
22 |
1,363,218 |
23 |
Klumb3rhttps://steamcommunity.com/id/Klumb3r/ |
1,362,350 |
24 |
BatprinceYoutube.com/Batprince |
1,357,091 |
25 |
Demon_Dronny |
1,356,597 |
26 |
YouGotHitByGunner |
1,348,692 |
27 |
SpaceCowX |
1,338,223 |
28 |
CorytheGrey |
1,335,284 |
29 |
Hircine |
1,328,630 |
30 |
MrBeard |
1,324,335 |
31 |
YMCrankViam supervadet vadens. |
1,320,016 |
32 |
Vervaticushttps://www.exophase.com/user/Vervaticus/ |
1,298,678 |
33 |
SgtFopper |
1,296,592 |
34 |
PetruciusSingle player |
1,294,953 |
35 |
antonuuuPlaying Indie games! |
1,289,911 |
36 |
Macnexhttp://steamcommunity.com/id/macnex/ |
1,288,240 |
37 |
Skay |
1,284,854 |
38 |
1,257,017 |
39 |
Thatoe |
1,248,844 |
40 |
jessi |
1,225,879 |
41 |
JKpowned |
1,224,150 |
42 |
cmasterchief |
1,220,327 |
43 |
stfN1337Achievement Hunter |
1,185,020 |
44 |
shinymyrai'll figure this out later |
1,168,445 |
45 |
FoxLeks |
1,168,422 |
46 |
Bobogoobo |
1,168,077 |
47 |
Richtoon |
1,164,661 |
48 |
Darklurker |
1,141,224 |
49 |
ApochWeiss |
1,139,061 |
50 |
NoAngelHonestly |
1,125,944 |