TrueSteamAchievements Polls

Forum for our TrueSteamAchievement Polls Only TSA Staff can create polls here.

How should we handle disabled achievements?

  • Posted on 29 February 16 at 04:45
    All achievements are created equal under the sun. Leave them be smile

    Wow, not at all used to the 'light' theme I have over here.
  • Posted on 01 March 16 at 23:27
    The achievements were there at some point, so they should be there for good
  • codexcodex124,622
    Posted on 04 March 16 at 14:32
    TiCyrillou said:I would imagine an intermediate vote:
    - If achievements were removed after people earned them, those gamers deserve bonus (extra points, for example?), but achievements have to be removed in order to allow others gamers to 100% the game (even if they never win these deleted achievements).
    I endorse this answer.
  • DarkDan88DarkDan8821,974
    Posted on 05 March 16 at 22:38
    "How should we handle disabled achievements?"
    Build them an access ramp?
  • Posted on 06 March 16 at 03:51
    I would say handle it like it was handle on trueachievements. Games like Chromehounds that were almost 100% online achievements (yet the online was stopped) just keep it around like a legacy. Removed or not, they had to earn it.
  • ShinnizleShinnizle107,701
    Posted on 06 March 16 at 04:33
    The difference with Chromehounds is, those achievements still exist. Steam sometimes completely removes achievements, and it looks like they were never there in the first place. They aren't 'discontinued', like on TA.
    Broke is a state of wallet. Poverty is a state of mind.
  • Posted on 06 March 16 at 14:10
    If they don't exist on Steam then they shouldn't exist here. Remove them.
  • DarukDaruk178,506
    Posted on 09 March 16 at 15:04
    Now the poll is closed, Can't we have the votes summary? Even if it won't be the Staff choice, I would like to know what was the thoughts of the community! Thanks! wink
    ----- TiCyrillou a.k.a. Darûk
  • JMJimmyJMJimmy53,889
    Posted on 13 March 16 at 14:55
    What was the result?
    Life, it's funny that way.
  • FlippolFlippol112,340
    Posted on 13 March 16 at 22:42
  • Posted on 14 March 16 at 19:30
    My TSA score just decreased by about 10%... does it have something to do with this vote?
  • RebornReborn75,378
    Posted on 14 March 16 at 19:40, Edited on 14 March 16 at 19:59 by Reborn
    deutschZuid said:My TSA score just decreased by about 10%... does it have something to do with this vote?This is probably due to the site no longer counting 0 achievement games on your card. Making the ratios for many achievements and games across the site drop. My TSA score dropped a couple thousand and my ratio has gone down by about 0.10

    More can be read about it here towards the end of the thread.
    Moderator here on TSA | Walkthrough Supervisor and Site Help Editor on TA
  • DarukDaruk178,506
    Posted on 12 April 16 at 07:14
    Hi, Can we have a clue about when a change will happen about deleted achievements??

    Since the poll is closed, nothing changed so far. wink
    ----- TiCyrillou a.k.a. Darûk
  • DarukDaruk178,506
    Posted on 26 May 16 at 09:00, Edited on 26 May 16 at 09:01 by Daruk
    Hi, I just wanted to up this thread. In order to have some clues about this choice.

    I can't wait for TrueSteamAchievement to stop being AlmostSteamAchievements laugh

    I hope you'll handle this quickly! Now 1 achievement I owned has been deleted on Steam, my amount of achievements in Steam is different than the amount I got in TSA, and it's not what I was expected from TrueSteam...

    Please... Help us! wink
    ----- TiCyrillou a.k.a. Darûk
  • Removed Gamer

    Removed Gamer

    Posted on 06 July 16 at 16:53
    So, what did the staff decide ? Currently I have 1 game (Orcs Must Die) that can't be competed at 100% on TSA because there is an achievement that still appear here despite it is no longer obtainable as it has been removed from Steam :/
  • Posted on 09 September 16 at 14:53
    Thieldan said:
    So, what did the staff decide ? Currently I have 1 game (Orcs Must Die) that can't be competed at 100% on TSA because there is an achievement that still appear here despite it is no longer obtainable as it has been removed from Steam :/
    and it's rather stupid one connect your account with website that has been removed entirely. robot accounts are no longer valid.

    this issue has been on going for a long time. one thing why i actually don't use this site anymore. not till they fix unobtainable achievements. i have few completed games that are "incomplete" on this site.
  • aviictiionaviictiion66,615
    Posted on 08 November 16 at 06:37
    IrethTassartir said:
    Thieldan said:
    So, what did the staff decide ? Currently I have 1 game (Orcs Must Die) that can't be competed at 100% on TSA because there is an achievement that still appear here despite it is no longer obtainable as it has been removed from Steam :/
    and it's rather stupid one connect your account with website that has been removed entirely. robot accounts are no longer valid.

    this issue has been on going for a long time. one thing why i actually don't use this site anymore. not till they fix unobtainable achievements. i have few completed games that are "incomplete" on this site.
    Yeah i personally just joined and now that i don't see it really linking to steam properly in terms of whatever achievements the actual game has on there.

    Personally i was more on the percentage of things rather than the score, so if it means that the site doesn't link to the steam achievements accordingly then I probably would rather use another tool.

    Don't get me wrong, people that got an achievement in the past is fine, but personally for me even if i had got that achievement in the past before it was disabled I think I would rather have it deduct my achievement as it no longer meets with the "steam achievements", after all the site is called "True Steam Achievements" so shouldn't all disabled or old achievements from steam meet up with this site?

    Just a food for thought.
  • FrangaFranga70,538
    Posted on 08 November 16 at 12:26
    Another vote for Not on Steam then Not on TSA. It's pretty simple really. Even if I lost achievements that were disabled I wouldn't be bitter about it. 55/55 going to 54/54 wouldn't bother me one bit. Both equal 100%. :)
  • DarukDaruk178,506
    Posted on 13 December 16 at 13:32, Edited on 14 December 16 at 13:32 by Daruk
    I noticed you deleted the no longer existing on steam achievements! It's just fine!
    But it looks like there's a mistake somewhere.
    When I set my profile to "All DLC", it works fine!
    When I set my profile to "DLC I own", all my games are still considered not finished because of deleted achievements still counted in! (And no more viewable on game pages...)

    Thanks for the fix! wink

    Edit 1: Epic work! Very good job!
    There's just 1 bug remaining (as far as I investigated) :
    If I set my account to "DLC I own", if I click on "my Games" and if I select "Visibility : Exclude completed games", games with deleted achievements are still here, even if they're highlighted in green and mentionning 100%. (I'm almost sure they have to be masked)
    Thanks for this good update! wink

    Edit 2: All seems ok! Thanks again! wink
    ----- TiCyrillou a.k.a. Darûk
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