Zoop - Hunters Grimm Review by

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What if I told you that you can win 695 achievement in 695 seconds? Would you believe me?
Because that's it, one achievement per second, less than 15 minutes.
The game reward you for idling it. Isn't it awesome?! Yes, it is!

-It's just a cheap game made with RPG Maker.
-No map.
-Lots of bugs.
-It doesn't worth the money if you aren’t an achievement hunter.

-Perfect for the achievement hunter.
-The achievements are nice.
-It is a low requirement game.
-You only need 15 minutes or less.
-It has trading cards.

Psst, just an advice. If the game stops unlocking achievements just close it and open it again.
ch0colatemilkI had to idle this piece of crap for like, 5 hours before it would give me all of my achievements. This game was painful.
Posted by ch0colatemilk on 27 Mar 17 at 16:58
Because you didnt played till the second town.
Posted on 03 Apr 17 at 15:17
ch0colatemilk@marsHm311: I actually played right until after you go to the big fancy ball and get the old adventurer guy in your party. So I played through quite a few areas. The achievements just didn't work for me, regardless of my progress.
Posted by ch0colatemilk on 09 Apr 17 at 12:12
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