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Become a Googolaire on Earth

Locked 07 Feb 2017
2 0 0
At the time of this writing, this Achievement has an additional requirement not mentioned in the description: you must have ten duotrigintillion Earth dollars in hand without having any managers on Earth. You may buy as many businesses as you like in any quantity, and buy any upgrades you wish (including angel upgrades); but if you buy any manager on Earth, you will be unable to earn the Achievement, no matter how much money you have, until you release your Earth manager(s) via reset (that is, claiming angel investors without spending gold to do so). You do not need to buy the upgrade named "A Googol"; the Achievement will pop as soon as you have the cash built up.

I earned this Achievement when I had just over 50 quattourdecillion angel investors. At the time it popped, I had 2800 oil companies and 1900 of all other businesses; I was clicking only the oil companies for money once I got things started (mine are boosted; at the end they were worth 3.718 duotrigintillion every two seconds, making all the money I needed in three clicks). I focused on buying the upgrades that boosted all businesses or just the oil companies; the upgrades that multiplied the value of other businesses were of little use. However, the angel upgrades that provide a set number of businesses were very helpful; they do not affect the price of those businesses, making acquiring enough to reach the next tier of "everything x2" that much faster and cheaper. I want to say this took me about fifteen minutes from the time I'd last reset.
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