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Flooded Basement

Drain the water to recover a Rune

Flooded Basement0
Locked 25 Nov 2016
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This achievement is earned in mission 7 "A Crack in the Slab." After getting the time turner device (one of a number of Harry Potter-like things that show up in this chapter), you need to head to the basement via stairs in the left side of the main inner ballroom in the back-center of the house (the large multi-story room you would come to by going through the front door, straight ahead through the lobby and through the doors then down the short corridor).

Once down the stairs, head to the right and in the past timeline you'll see two guards looking up at a hole in the wall and having a discussion about something. Take out both guards, then grab the crank handle/wheel to the left of where the guards were. Climb onto the box and look through the hole and throw the wheel into the small room there. Switch to the present and limb through the hole and into the water. Swim down to the crank wheel, grab it, then head to the left to find the place where you can put it. Turn the wheel and the water should subside, lowering a floating box with the rune on it. The achievement should unlock about now (or when you pick up the rune).

Note that the first time I did this the water didn't lower due to an odd bug, so make sure you save it back a few steps (perhaps before jumping into the water) in case you need to reload and try again.
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