Sisyphus Reborn Review by

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According to Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra. As a punishment for his deceitful ways, in the afterlife he was forced to hoist a massive boulder up a hill, only to watch it come back down; Sisyphus was damned to repeat these actions for all eternity. Sisyphus Reborn takes on a similar concept, although instead of a boulder the punishment is digging holes and refilling them for eternity.

There are multiple ways that this game can be interpreted. The first, and most obvious, being that the little ghostly fellow that you play as is dead, and is condemned to an afterlife of monotony. The second, which was my interpretation, is that the game is about life, and how a lot of nihilistic people see it; mostly meaningless and devoid of any sort of grand purpose. Why are you digging? To live. Why do you live? To dig. Digging is work, and we must work to live, and we live to work, giving most of our adult life is spent at our jobs.

Despite whatever that you may take away from Sisyphus Reborn, the title is excellent for a free game; despite its very simple nature. There are a few puzzles, all relatively simple. All of the graphics are hand drawn, and appear to be scanned instead of done in Photoshop or any other sort of digital art program. The music is very ambient, and it lends to a ghostly, eerie sort of atmosphere which is very appropriate. The dialogue is thought provoking, and to get the full effect of the game you will really need to do a couple of playthroughs as there are a couple different options to choose from.

The greatest thing about Sisyphus Reborn, aside from its price, is the opportunity to interpret the game as you wish. It's a very abstract piece, and what I saw in it you may not necessarily see, and what you see in it your friend may see something totally different. It's wonderful how a game so simple can have a different meaning to multiple individuals. Know, however, that there are no in-game settings or save system. However, the game does only take between 15-20 minutes to complete.

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