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Once More Mate

Occupy Gallipoli as Australia.

Once More Mate0
Locked 15 Aug 2016 15 Aug 2016
3 0 0
To get this achievement you need to conquer/control the state of Bursa in Turkey.

There are a few of approaches to do this, either:
- flip to communism and invade Turkey from Georgia (by getting access from Soviet Union)
- flip to fascism and invade Turkey from Africa (by getting access from Italy)
- flip to either communism or fascism and invade Middle East first (Iran and Iraq) and afterwards invade Turkey from there.

I got the achievement by using the first approach though there were a few tricky points to consider while doing so. Here's the strategy I used:

1) First invest in the "Political Effort" to gain Political Power points, once you get to 150 points, hire Communist Revolutionary to start flipping to Communism.

2) Afterwards focus purely on Industrial branch, get Construction Effort first (until Infrastructure) before switching to Armament Effort, as you'll need those Civilian factories to speed up building of other Civilian factories as Australia is painfully short on those.
Once you research Armament Effort III, go down the Infrastructure and get the Extra research slot. After that focus on Army Effort branch - mainly Equipment and Doctrine for the extra Army experience points.

3) Assign your Military factories to producing Infantry equipment and put one on producing artillery as it will come in handy later. Once you get even on the Infantry equipment assign one factory to producing Support equipment.
Ignore the missing oil/steel resources needed for convoy production - trading away any civilian factories will only slow you down. Also there's no point in wasting resources for building navy - focus entirely on infantry. Also you should get mountaineers ASAP.

4) Put your existing divisions on training to get some extra Army experience points. Use them to adjust the Infantry template by removing one battalion so that you have 20 combat width.
I used template of 7 Inf + 2 Art (with engineer and recon support) as my main force. Also use XP points to edit Mountaineer template to 10 combat width and add support.
You'll have enough time to train your divisions to Regular before getting to combat.

5) Get approximately 30 divisions (I had 2 full armies of 24) and enough fighters/CAS to back them up (I had two wings of 300 planes, I even managed to squeeze a bit of Strategic bombers in there). These can be stationed in Georgia on the border between Soviet Union and Turkey.

6) Once you have your first army of 24 divisions, get military access from Soviet Union (or just join Comintern) and ship it to Vladivostok Naval base north of Japan.
Once there set a front line on the Turkish border so that your army uses the infrastructure speed while traveling through Soviet Union.

7) Set the offensive line orders and allow for full preparation bonus before invading. At this point I had researched 4 Grand Battleplan doctrines + 3 Air doctrines in Battlefield support which will give you great advantage over your enemy.

8) Once you feel ready to attack you should join the Comintern (if you haven't already done that). The reason for that is - you can't attack from neutral territory, so you can't avoid dragging Soviets to war as well.
If you have AI historical focus turned on, start justifying against Turkey around mid-1941. You should be well prepared by then.
The reason why I chose this time was to keep Soviets busy fighting Germany and pay less attention to war with Turkey. Otherwise they might be a nightmare of an ally. Since the infrastructure in that region is of very low quality, having hordes of Soviet divisions there will create a low supply bottleneck, which will basically render your divisions unable to fight.
In general Turkey won't provide much resistance for long, but attrition can still be a serious problem.

Another issue could be - if Soviets gain more % of War participation by the time war ends they might claim Bursa before you and then you will be screwed as they like to puppet Turkey instead of claiming the state, so you can't request the state from them. This happened to me so I flipped on Soviets and conquered Bursa anyway, but it took a lot more time.

In any case - good luck with conquering Gallipoli! wink
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