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Turret Opera

Defeat the required number of foes using a single Turret.

Turret Opera0
Locked 19 Jul 2016
2 0 1
This achievement requires you to get kills using the that spawn from the Gel Canister special skill.

The easiest way to get this is to set one up facing a squirt mob spawner, or 3-4 in the opening of the Kid's dream and let them do their thing.
RockTomorrowThe required number is 20 from a single turret. Play the Kid's Dream and wait till the first Squirt Spawner appears. Then clear out everything but the Spawner and set up the turret on the other side of the arena, so it doesn't kill the Spawner. Then just lure the Squirts towards the turret without killing them. You'll still have to protect the turret from damage, as it doesn't always seem to see the Squirts. Friendly fire is off, so the Fire Bellows work really well for this.
Posted by RockTomorrow on 05 Dec 23 at 16:53
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