Sonic Lost World Review by GAMERJET

16 Mar 2016
4 0 1
Sonic Lost World is a disappointing Sonic game. The targeting system is poor, the controls are overly complex, the story is pretty weak, there's a lot wrong here. The voice stuff gets annoying pretty fast too.

Overall, the graphics are definitely the star of the show. The levels are bright and colorful and it's definitely a nice eyecandy. Some of the music is toe tapping good, but nothing that beats that classic Green Hill tune.

Sonic Lost World has a mix of 2D/3D sections. I definitely prefer the 2D stuff more as there are no weird camera issues like in alot of the 3D sections. Sometimes the camera struggles to keep up with the action and does a weird zoomed out overhead reaction which is very disorienting.

The bosses are varied and you do fight quite a few in this Sonic game. Difficulty is very inconsistent. Some levels are short and easy, others are hard and just drag on. I'm not really sure who the target audience is for Sonic Lost World, it's definitely too hard for younger gamers, and older gamers will likely quit from the constant cheap deaths.

The game will definitely tempt achievement hunters though, with 100 different achievements to unlock, it will certainly appeal to them and keep them busy if they make the mistake of purchasing Sonic Lost World!

I don't recommend this game. It's simply a disappointment much like many of the recent modern Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Titanium DragonThis sounds like pretty much every review I've read of this game. And most every Sonic game.

Poor Sonic. His best recent appearance was in Super Smash Brothers Brawl... which wasn't even made by Sega.
Posted by Titanium Dragon on 21 Mar 16 at 12:47
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