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Arsene Lupin

Solve three Lockpick puzzles in less than one minute.

Arsene Lupin0
Locked 17 Jan 2016
3 0 0
Some quick information on the puzzles; each lock has two dials that will rotate the lock/puzzle by a certain number of places either clockwise or counter-clockwise. For simplicity I have used left and right for all of the sequences. You don't need to finish every lock in under a minute in a single playthrough, you just need to have finished each one in that time at least once on the same game profile.

Lock 1: Garage - You can spin 3 places (Left Dial) or 2 places (Right Dial). The solution is:

Right x2, Left x2, Right x4

Lock 2: Museum - You can spin 3 places (Left Dial) or 5 places (Right Dial). The solution is:

Right x2, Left x2, Right

Lock 3: Jail - You can spin 2 places (Left Dial) or 3 places (Right Dial). The solution is:

Left x 2, Right, Left, Right x2, Left
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