Squeaky Squad Review by Astaritus

15 Apr 2024
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Enjoying the quiet life of a cleaner on a flying pirate ship, you could never imagine that you would end up on the Cleanup crew!

It all started with an attack on your ship. Now your task is to clear your flying base of air rats that have filled the holds in an attempt to steal your loot!


Availability: Free to play

Availability of achievements

Retro style

Availability of built-in cheat modes if you experience difficulties

Gamepad support

Boss Battles

Variety of opponents

The presence of an in-game encyclopedia that expands the ENT of the game

Possibility of character improvement

Procedural level generation

Simple controls

Great soundtrack

Did not like:

Using a heal stops the character and makes him stand still for a while

Coins falling from destructible objects and enemies disappear

Visual glitch of the “Training” level, in which the transition between sections of the level is visible

A visual bug in which the Hero, when appearing in the hub/beginning of the campaign level/defeating the Boss, appears without the masks and hats the player is wearing

Weapons and items obtained in the campaign are not carried over to subsequent races or campaigns.

Horrible ballistics of gun shooting

Very slow reload of the main weapon

When jumping on top of an enemy, the hero often takes damage

“Quick restart” function - completely restarts the entire campaign

Bug with the “eternal” “Game Over” window

Glitch: When defeating a boss, during a cutscene, the player can use the “grin” ability (T key by default), which will give the user the opportunity to move around the level, shoot and jump. And also doubles the character on the screen

Impossibility of hitting an enemy/destructive object if the hero is close to the target

A glitch that allows you to walk on a trampoline like a regular platform - if the player activates the “Turret”

In the case of jumping on trampolines, if an object with another trampoline is installed on it, the character will get stuck in the textures and will not be able to make jumps

Possibility of obtaining a soft lock in a number of locations

Arena bug, in which all opponents and the reward for completing it appear simultaneously

Glitch overlaying music tracks on top of each other

Most levels are not generated when you re-enter the game/location. Remaining literally the same rooms

Glitch of the “Zero Gravity” mask, whose ability disappears after several jumps

“Waterfall” glitch, where shooting OVER a waterfall when the player is on a platform above will still activate the bullet “slowing down” animation

Hub bug - in which the player can double the character: activated by pressing the action key (E key by default), while appearing on the deck of the ship after defeating the Boss

A bug in which platforms do not appear in their original positions if a character dies. Because of this, in a number of places, the player can endlessly fall into the abyss and die, waiting for the “return” of the platform

When using the Long Flight hat, the player can go off the map using a double jump

When using the “Long Flight” hat, the player is able to stay in the air indefinitely

A glitch in which a character hits an invisible wall when using the “evasion” ability and the “Long Flight” hat.

Bug with missing parts of the level

A bug in which the boss “Lab lunatic” freezes in place and stops attacking after moving (teleporting) a player from one location to another

Bug with the presence of the Gear in the Hub

Shifty Skies level bug: if a conversation with an NPC is activated, the player continues to move forward - but the camera remains in place.

Shifty Skies level bug - in which the player receives a black screen after completing the level and moving to another stage

A bug in the Shifty Skies level where the player can end up in an endless empty level

Bug with infinite flight after defeating the Boss of the Shifty Skies level

Glitch of the “No Bullets” ability, which does not affect electromagnetic shots

A bug in the second battle with Muscle Squeak - which does not end after defeating the Boss, leaving the player in the arena

A bug with the use of “Shortcuts”, which instead of moving to the next stage, simply restarts the campaign


“Squeaky Squad” is a fun retro arcade game in which you play as a pirate janitor fighting against invaders who have infiltrated a ship. The game offers addictive gameplay, excellent graphics and an intriguing storyline.

The gameplay of “Squeaky Squad” is perfect for classic arcade games. You need to go through each level, defeating all the enemies along the way, using a variety of skills and gadgets that can be found during your adventure. At the end of each level, you will have a boss battle to demonstrate your skills.

Thanks to the procedural generation of levels, each of your runs will be unique. Unfortunately, in my case the generation was unstable, so many locations turned out to be almost identical with minor differences. They also contained bugs that forced me to end a run in the middle or end of the campaign several times.

The graphics in the game are made in monochrome black and white colors of old games, the animation is very smooth, which creates a magical atmosphere. Music and sound effects also complement the gameplay and make it even more exciting.

Overall, Squeaky Squad is a great game for all fans of arcade adventures. It combines exciting gameplay, excellent graphics and an exciting plot that will not let you get bored. However, version 1.0, which I went through, turned out to be extremely unstable. Because of this, I was unable to complete the game and fight the final boss.

Despite the large number of critical errors, I recommend this game for review. However, I hope that the developers will soon release patches that will eliminate all bugs, improve level generation and correct gameplay flaws
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