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Fast and Furious

Special 1: Make it through the final battle in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Fast and Furious0
2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Time/Date - These achievements require you to play the game or perform actions at certain times, within a time limit, or on specific dates.
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This is part of The Signal DLC.

Kill the TVs with the Flare Gun and Flares. While you're in the apartment, use a Flare to make the TV go through the wall and then jump down and immediately fire your Flare Gun into the TVs. Continue outside and you will see a boat crash on the dock. When this happens, pull out a flare and drop it, then use the Flare Gun to take out the shadow. If done right, you will have the achievement hen the boat disappears.
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