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You better not have clicked for those...

Have a truly absurd number of pointclicker points

You better not have clicked for those...0
Locked 10 Jan 2016
1 0 0
You gain access to the PointClicker server through the Entropy Contract system to remove someone's save. Once inside, you have two options.

1) Legitimately click your way through all upgrades.
2) Follow these steps in the terminal. Replace [username] with your username in-game.

cd /PointClicker/Saves
scp Bit.pcsav
Return to your PC.
cd /home
mv Bit.pcsav [username].pcsav
Reconnect to PointClicker.
cd /PointClicker/Saves
rm [username].pcsav
upload home/[username].pcsav

Return to the PointClicker game and this achievement will unlock.
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