Rogue Trooper Redux Review by LanceW

13 Sep 2023
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I really enjoyed this game.
It's pretty short (12 hours); not too difficult on standard settings and has enough story to keep it interesting.

Yes, it's older and it's nothing "special"; but it's good.
Any fan of the comic character will enjoy the vibe of the game and it's not so long that playing it is not fun. The redux version looks and plays fine on my Steamdeck.

Given the age and the price... it should not be overlooked. Especially if you've ever enjoyed 2000AD comics.

The online part is completely dead now days; so don't expect lots of online mayhem.
None of the online achievements are impossible if doing online solo (stronghold is tricky but apparently doable alone).

All in all, this is an older game; enjoyable if you want a short-ish game that is inexpensive. Must play for Rogue Trooper fans.

I enjoyed it more than playing Half-Life; both are older. Rogue Trooper Redux looked better, was shorter and story easier to follow through cut scenes.

Oh and the music is really good too. :-)
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