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Republia Token

Collect the hidden Republia Token

Republia Token0
Locked 07 Jan 2016
2 0 0
On Day 21 of story mode, a Republian man by the name of Danic Lorun will ask for entry without valid papers. He tells you he will return a few days later with valid papers, and will offer his watch as collateral.

Keep the watch, and do not sell it to the numerous people who will offer to buy it off you. Also do not deny him entry the first day or he will never return and the watch will automatically be sold at the end of the day.

On Day 23 he will come back. Return the watch to him, and he will give you a bribe, and then proceed to complain about the watch being scratched. Return the bribe and he will give you the Republian Token and your bribe back, and then this achievement will pop.
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