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Snow Way

Try to cover up the DrillZero site

Snow Way0
2 guides
Locked 28 Oct 2022 28 Oct 2022
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I started in middle east countries for this and all Frozen Virus achievements.
Step 1: Research "Investigate Outbreaks" and "Deploy Field Operatives"
Step 2: Wait for a news banner pop-up about Permafrost Drilling in Country X
Step 3: Send your Field Operatives to Country X
Step 4: Wait for next news banner about Country X actually starting Permafrost Drilling, and research the following: "Vaccine Research", "Authority 1", and "Censorship"
Step 5: Sit and wait. If Censorship ends before the achievement pops, simply research "Fake News" and continue waiting. If it doesn't pop before Fake News ends try again.
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