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Nex Machina

Nex Machina

Nex Machina
Someone must construct additional beacons

Destroy every Secret Beacon in a single world

Someone must construct additional beacons0
Locked 21 Oct 2022 21 Oct 2022
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Beacons are extra hidden objectives available in every single world. To unlock this trophy, start up world 1 (Techno Forest) on rookie difficulty. There are three beacons for you to destroy.

World 1-2: After spawning shoot up the trees directly north of your position. The beacon will reveal behind the treeline.
World 1-8: Head through the gauntlet until you reach the north-west area of the map. Now walk south on the glass passageway and you will see floating dust towards your left. Walking towards this dust will create a hidden walkway you can use to reach a supply drop, hidden human and the beacon. Simply follow the path north-north/west and you’ll spot the beacon immediately.
World 1-9: Head through the gauntlet until you are against a wall at the top-centre section of the map. Destroy the blue glowing rock and a secret area will reveal. The beacon is located on the northern side of the secret area.

All Humans, Beacons and Secret Exits - World 1
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