Just Cause 4 Review by Kinglink

10 Sep 2022
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This game is currently in the Humble Choice for September 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before October 4th, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Let’s blow something up.

Just Cause tries to tell a story about a dictator, that a CIA operative named Rico Rodriguez has to come to town to take down.. Eh, sure, that’s a good enough reason. Just Cause 4 is about the explosions. Go into an area, kill enemies, blow up a lot of stuff, and take over the world one area at a time. The explosions though are so much fun that even replaying this after having beaten it previously, it just is fun to destroy as much of the world as you can.

But Just Cause 4 isn’t a great shooty bang bang game with tons to blow up. The graphics are hit or miss, and the story is hopefully forgettable. There’s no difficulty options and this game can get quite challenging at times. But again, even with all that, you have your wingsuit, your parachute, and tons of weapons so you can rain down the fires of hell on enemies which is always fun.

Pick this up if you want to see some stuff explode because this delivers on it if the video is any clue. At the same time, I love Just Cause 2 and Just Cause 3, but Just Cause 4 never scratched that same itch. Likely because of the lack of collectible nature to destroy everything. It’s probably in between those two games though, and I gave this title a 3/5 a couple of years ago when I reviewed it. However, at the price of the Choice, it’s worth it if you just want some extreme action.

You also get the complete edition, so even if you have the Reloaded edition, it may be worth it to redeem the key for all the DLC.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:
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