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Dust Collector

Collect 50 specks of dust.

Dust Collector0
Locked 31 Aug 2022 31 Aug 2022
0 0 0
Dust Hoarder (collect 75 specks of dust), this achievement, Dust Appreciator (collect 25 specks), and Messy World (Collect NO specks of dust in one playthrough) can be completed in just one playthrough. The achievement tracks for all playthroughs cumulatively, so the easiest way to get this is to find your first speck of dust, save the game, pick up the dust speck, reload your save, and then rinse and repeat 74 more times. After popping Dust Hoarder, reload one more time, and then finish the playthrough without picking up any additional specks of dust.

This is not 100% necessary, as there are other achievements (Notably, Easy Win and Hard Won) that require two playthroughs, so you'll be playing this twice either way.
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