Saturday Morning RPG Review by

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Saturday Morning RPG is a great little nostalgic adventure that's waiting to fill any 1980's fanatic with joy. The battle system can be overly repetitive at times, especially in episode three which is the longest journey and it is also filled with the most combat scenarios, but with a little tweaking this can be improved easily.

There are an uncountable number of hidden Easter Eggs and references in the game that are fairly tongue-in-cheek, humorous and memorable. However, there are glitches present in both game play and the achievements that the content comes with. On my first play during the first episode, Commander Hood never called in his minions on the first battle and I beat him by simply punching him to death, but on my second time through he spawned minions and killed me almost instantly. One of my quests during the third episode did not complete, despite having fulfilled the obligation. A few achievements did not pop up upon my completion, such as completing an episode twice and completing four episodes.

So there are still some kinks that must be worked out in the mainframe. Otherwise it's absolutely worth a shot for the retro loving gamer; just play it in small doses.
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