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A Funny Thing Happened

Drive Lola as Agent Coulson

A Funny Thing Happened0
Locked 02 Jul 2022 02 Jul 2022
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You will find the race to unlock Lola in the West Harlem district of Manhattan. Once unlocked, purchase the vehicle at any air vehicle call-in pad.

NOTE: Lola is NOT a traditional land vehicle. You will NOT find the car in a traditional land vehicle terminal.

Anyway, select Lola and switch to Agent Coulson.

Here's the race location:

(Credit: JayShockblast)

While you'll get the achievement right when you have Coulson get in, you can still have fun with it. You can press the cn_LB and cn_RB buttons together for a second to switch between air and land. I'm not sure what keys to press on a keyboard since I use a controller.
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