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Regurgitated Guts

Defeat Kalamon, The Glutton of Pain

Regurgitated Guts0
Achieve SteveAchieve Steve2,255
Locked 17 Feb 2022 17 Feb 2022
0 0 0

Here's a guide, but for a written guide:

1. Beat the first boss, then go to the bottom left of the map.
2. Go to the upper left area of Combbelton Cemetary.
3. Find the brick smashing ability.
4. Fight the boss and win.

- At first, you'll need to ride the platform up to the boss and hit him.
- Then, enemies will start dropping. Kill them quick, and ride the chain back up.
*Note, you'll constantly be shot at with a trap. I recommend ducking and sitting still to never get hit, unless an enemy drops and hits you from behind.*
- Eventually, the boss will start flying and hitting you with his intestines. Try not to stand directly below him.
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