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Mass Hysteria

Have 6 teammates using Pyrovision at the same time.

Mass Hysteria0
2 guidesOnline/Offline - These achievements can be obtained in either an online or offline game mode.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Cooperative - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a cooperative game mode who have met the achievement requirements.Versus - These achievements can be obtained by two or more players in a face off gamemode who have met the achievement requirements.
Locked 11 Oct 2021 11 Oct 2021
0 0 5
As long as you have the Pyrovision goggles, you can get this achievement alone with commands.
Be sure to equip the item on your loadout. For this example, we'll use the Pyro.

Step 1: Start by loading the map "itemtest" using the "Create server" menu or with the following game command:
map itemtest

Choose RED team, then Pyro with the Pyrovision goggles.

Step 2: In order to have five teammates in the RED team without anybody in the BLU team, you must disable the unbalance limit using this command:
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0

Step 3: Execute the following command five times to spawn five RED Pyros:
sv_cheats 1; bot -team red -class pyro; sv_cheats 0

Step 4: To make the bots have the same loadout than you, type the following command:
sv_cheats 1;bot_mirror bot01;bot_mirror bot02;bot_mirror bot03;bot_mirror bot04;bot_mirror bot05;sv_cheats 0
(where Bot01 to Bot05 are the bots' names)

Step 5: To unlock the achievement, you simply have to kill yourself and respawn using this command:
kill YourUsername

Please let me know if it that worked for you.

Have fun!
KRATOS_SPARTADon't forget to put an underscore in the middle of your steam name before you do the achievement.
Posted by KRATOS_SPARTA on 23 Oct 23 at 06:40
CyKo1337I tried this, everything went okay but when I typed kill and my name.. Nothing happened? I mean.. I die, but no achievement.
Any ideas on what I do wrong?
Posted by CyKo1337 on 12 Dec 23 at 03:08
EvilGiygasThe command "sv_cheats 1" alone disable the achievements on the server.
Make sure that the commands "sv_cheats 1" and "sv_cheats 0" are always executed in one go.
You could also try the command "retry" after spawning the teammates
Posted by EvilGiygas on 12 Dec 23 at 15:22
CyKo1337Thanks for reply, I made sure Sv_cheats was at 0, basically when I type Kill, nothing happens, the bots all have the same gear but don't move and when I suicide, they just continue to stand there lol.
Posted by CyKo1337 on 18 Dec 23 at 08:35
KRATOS_SPARTALooks like you got it, CyKo1337! :D
Posted by KRATOS_SPARTA on 23 Dec 23 at 07:43
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