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Exalted Among Men

Fulfill the Become Exalted ambition

Exalted Among Men0
Locked 18 Nov 2015 09 Jan 2016
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This achievement requires you to fulfill the exalted among men ambition, which requires the player to get a prestige of 1000 with a single character. Keep in mind that this achievement, like all Crusader Kings 2 achievements, must be achieved on Iron Man mode.

First, in order to even select this ambition, your current character has to have a prestige under 200, be an adult, and not have the content, humble, or incapable traits. After selecting this ambition, given that you are playing as a large nation, you should get to 1000 prestige pretty fast. I find that playing as the Byzantines in the 769 start or in the 867 start will give you a lot of prestige. The born in purple gives you prestige, the size of your empire gives you further prestige, and attacking your smaller neighbors gets you even more prestige.

If you plan to go for the other achievements in this game, don't bother with this one, as you'll probably get it somewhere down the line regardless.

If you have any ideas on how I can improve this solution, I'd love to hear them! There may be something that isn't here that should be, or an easier way of doing this. I'm always open to suggestions. If you notice any typos or poorly phrased sentences, please let me know.
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