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Kill Your Darlings

Special 2: Defeat the final obstacle between you and your goal.

Kill Your Darlings0
2 guidesOffline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game mode.
Locked 15 Apr 2020 15 Apr 2020
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This will unlock as soon as you beat the final "boss" of the DLC, which consist of
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The only tricky part I found is the birds attacking from all sides, so be sure to stock up on flares to be safe.

If you manage to do everything without falling to the last bar of health, you will also unlock the Iron Will achievement:
Alan WakeIron WillThe Iron Will achievement in Alan Wake worth 25 pointsSpecial 2: Survive the final encounter without being seriously hurt.
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