Viscera Cleanup Detail Review by Andreas Teufel

Andreas TeufelAndreas Teufel295,533
04 Apr 2019 04 Apr 2019
1 3 5
sucks ass cause it doesn't give you any information on what to actually do. no manual, no tutorial, no indication as to what you could do better to clear a level. clearly making 700 billion different dlcs was more important than doing any kind of groundwork *puke*. plus that lift thing gets jammed so easily it would be easier to invent and use it in real life than in this "game". basic idea quite ok, execution horribly atrocious. developers should be shot 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words 100 words you gotta be kiddin me first and last review I write here
Amedeus8Game's really not that difficult to figure out. The only things you maybe need to be told are for bonus points and collectible achievements. It shouldn't take you too long to work out the basics. Put mop to slop and then rinse off in a bucket, throw garbage in the big fire machine. There are also beginner's guides on Steam that are just as useful as any manual would be.

Also, if you play around with all your equipment, you'll notice the sniffer tool which indicates nearby messes. That's your indication of what you could do better to clear a level.

Also, 2 DLCs released 3 years apart is slightly less than 700 billion.
Posted by Amedeus8 on 09 May 19 at 13:36
Andreas Teufelyou are talking about how to play the game. wrong place kiddo, all I said above is about achievements ONLY
Posted by Andreas Teufel on 12 May 19 at 00:24
Amedeus8You literally complained about there being no tutorial.
Posted by Amedeus8 on 12 May 19 at 04:15
Andreas Teufellook, here's my experience with this game: I cleaned the first level (hard enough cause the bugged as fuck elevator ALWAYS jams), put the barrels in the zones (wiki, game sure doesn't tell you that they matter at all), used the sniffer everywhere (no clue whether that worked at all though), checked out and still didn't get a perfect! then I read on the wiki the questionnaire (!) adds to your score and the barrels have to be stacked upright in a very specific way LOLWUT! from what I can remember you don't even get to SEE at the end what screwed your score.
basic idea? good enough (that's why I gave it 1 instead of 0.5). but the execution? utter disaster! fuck this garbage game, fuck it to hell
Posted by Andreas Teufel on 13 May 19 at 14:02
Amedeus8I can understand why that comes off as annoying. Much of that isn't actually required, though. That's why it's not evident that some of those things are even worth points. To get 100%, you mostly only need to clean up all of the mess. Clean up bloodstains, weld the bullet holes, and throw away body parts, trash, debris, etc. The paperwork at the end, stacking crates and barrels, restocking the first aid kits, etc.? All bonus points. So you can get over 100% without even doing a perfect job. Leaving barrels tipped over does count against you, though, as well as leaving the incinerator door open when you end the level.

You likely missed some things, like beer cans or something up by the windows. But more likely, it was the bullet holes. That's one that I have to agree should be told to the player. I think I had to read that one in a beginner's guide, because it's really unclear. You can find a big yellow laser welder in the level. It's like a sci-fi rifle that shoots an unstable-looking beam. If you shoot it at bullet holes, it will weld them shut. It'll take a little while to get the timing down. If you run it for too long, or don't hit anything that needs welding, it'll cause a small fire that'll leave a trail of burn marks across the wall. Once you figure out the timing, it's a breeze.

Do you already know that the sniffer has two settings? Green and blue. You pick the setting by which mouse button you click. I forget exactly what the difference is between them (organic and inorganic mess, maybe?), but that's never been a big deal anyways. If it's making a lot of noise and the bars are going nuts, there's something nearby to clean up.

As for everything else... The elevator jamming is deliberate. Just like occasionally getting body parts out of the dispensers, it's meant to be a minor annoyance that happens at random, just to keep you on yours toes. When these things happen too often, though, it can get a little obnoxious. But that's the job. Also, while it won't be specific about what you missed where, you can see what sort of thing you missed when you return to your office. Some of the various notes that appear after each mission will mention various catastrophes that occurred after you left, and whatever caused those is the culprit. If somebody slipped on a puddle of blood, for instance, you left some blood behind. That's also how you're told certain things, like how you should close the incinerator before clocking out.

It's a pretty good game once you know what you're doing. I hope you'll give it another shot. I think most players have looked up a guide at some point or another, but it's a small barrier to entry. Once you've got everything down, go watch some YouTubers try to play for the first time - then you'll understand why it's fun to just drop people in without telling them everything first. The game definitely does try to troll the player a bit, but it's far, far more forgiving about it than something like, say, Surgeon Simulator. I think I had your reaction here to that one.
Posted by Amedeus8 on 14 May 19 at 10:39
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