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Fulfill the prophecy.

Locked 04 Apr 2018
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This trophy is the opposite of Returned (you thus cannot earn the two in the same playthrough).

In order to get this, you need to upload any datachunck that would portray Oleg as a traitor to The Nation and he will be killed when apprehended in the school's bunker.

Upload :
- his moving to secret location to conceal his whereabouts
- photo of Bakay talking to President Kassart (on Raban's PC)
- photo of Bakay shaking hands with Raban making a deal (on Raban's PC)
- the post on Blabber saying Oleg was in charge during the Prava school attack and did not let his daughter attend that day
- a post from Oleg on the Prava city forum comparing the nation to a "pitiful stretch of land"
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