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This game can be hard but there's a trick to make it infinitely easier! In setup (as the game launches and you have the boxes up and you are selecting how it should run). Select the input tab. Bind 2 different keys to the jump input. Preferably 2 letter keys that are close together! Now, when in game, press those keys almost if not at the same time to perform a super jump! This will send you over most dangers with ease. Now there are still sections you will need to negotiate but this trick will get you through most levels. Now to make things even a little easer to control, after binding those new jump commands, use a controller and mapping software (I enjoy joytoKey as if has an auto mapping feature (you just hit it and it says: what key is up, down, etc.)) and bind the jumping keys on an either or basis to every other button. Now to regular jump press on button. to double press 2 buttons diagonal to one another. I find this to be the best way to control the game with precision. I hope this helps you guys!
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