GooCubelets 2 Review by TSA Patrick

TSA PatrickTSA Patrick257
19 Feb 2018 05 Apr 2018
2 0 0
This game is a joke game, one that awards the player for nothing!

The entire game can be skipped using one of the keys on the keyboard, which ruins the points of the game. None of the puzzles are good, and then the game crashes constantly even when you run it with low settings

Sorry but the review symbolizes the amount of content the game offers, NONE! I expected more from the game which I was really disappointed.

Since TSA capped the score of the game to 200, this isn't worthy of a score!

I suggest you don't go out of your way to obtain this game! Stay as far away as you can *THIS HAS BEEN AN ISSUED WARNING BY TSA PATRICK*
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