CptCookie's Blog (2 followers)

Another one!Permalink
Hey there,

Another month has passed which means: it's time for another blog post from me.. I guess?
So what happened in January? Not much to be honest. I didn't manage to finish a single game during that month and I also played way less than I planned to. Somehow I was really burned out and couldn't enjoy gaming. I know: it's weird. But sometimes I feel like that. ?????

So that means Cult of the Lamb and Dome Keeper are still on the agenda for February. ??
Which isn't bad, I'm confident I can make some progress in both of those games and maybe finish them. We'll see.

Besides those there aren't any big plans gaming-wise.
I started Snake Pass and Ghosts'n'Goblins Resurrection. I only played like 30 minutes of each but both of those games seem to be demanding when it comes to skill, the good old "git gud, noob!". ??
Which I expected for G'n'G Resurrection, because the franchise is known for being hard (although as it turns out: it's almost Volgarr the Viking levels of hard... so really, really tough and unforgiving, at least that's my impression so far).
Snake Pass however surprised me. I expected some kind of casual platformer but so far it seems that the game wants you to really get to grips with the movement and play in specific ways to get all the coins and bubbles on every level. So yeah.. that's going to be a challenge, at least for me.
Guess I'll have to find out if I'll be able to complete either of those games, especially G'n'G concerns me in that regard.

I bought a couple of new games, like I do almost every month. Mainly stuff from my wishlist that went on sale like MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, Trailmakers, Headland, Sir Whoopass and a few others. Nothing major really. ??

I also bought WRC Generations and several of the older WRC games while they were on sale. Because as you might or might not know, the WRC license will be changing hands this year. Generations is the last WRC game from KT Racing / Nacon.

From now on Codemasters / EA will be producing the WRC titles which probably means the older games from KT Racing / Nacon will be removed from the steam store front. They will share the same fate as the older F1 games (pre F1 2020) since those also got removed when EA took over. I missed out on the F1 games, so this time around I was a bit more cautious and bought them before it's too late.

Am I excited about this change? No, not really. I think the KT Racing / Nacon games aren't as bad as their rep. Sure, they have flaws, quite a few really. But overall, physics- and driving-wise I believe they are solid. ?????
Codemasters on the other hand are inconsistent, imo. Dirt Rally 1.0 was really good and had solid handling. Dirt Rally 2.0, I don't like at all. The cars feel way too floaty and drifty, the game never gives you this feeling of "Oh, now the car stopped drifting and the tires are really digging into the surface of the road". To me, it just feels off. But hey.. that's probably highly subjective, it's not like I've ever driven a rally car irl or something. ??

EA is... EA, I guess. I didn't like what they did with F1 22, which is arguably one of the worst F1 games of recent years. Instead of improving the game in meaningful ways, they added silly features (F1 life, hypercars, copyrighted music) that no one really asked for and called it a day. That's at least what it feels like.

I don't know.. I think there is a big risk that the F1 and WRC games will become a lot more like FIFA, NBA and all of those other EA Sports franchises. So: very little evolution in between the yearly releases, even less than they had before EA took over.

Anyways, enough rambling:
Cult of the Lamb, Dome Keeper -> finish them.
Snake Pass, Ghosts'n'Goblins Resurrection -> let's see how far I'll get with those.
1 or 2 very small games -> maybe I can sneak those in somewhere, if my time schedule allows it.
That's pretty much my road map for February. ??

With that being said: I'll see you next time.??
Posted by CptCookie on 07 February 23 at 15:31 | Last edited on 07 February 23 at 15:33

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CptCookie It seems like TSA doesn't like emojis for some reason? Those double question marks you're seeing in the blog post: all of those were originally emojis. It even showed me them in the preview. But when I posted the blog, they were suddenly gone. Very weird.
Posted by CptCookie on 07 Feb 23 at 15:35
blooddogg757 Good Luck fam! I am currently playing Assassin's Creed Origins and World of Tanks on Steam! I have been told Cult of the Lamb is a really fun game but have not played it yet myself. Never heard of Dome Keeper or Snake Pass. Ghosts n Goblins is notoriously hard! Good Luck with that one! Are you subscribed to Humble Bundle? They offer a monthly subscription of Steam games, I have gotten some real gems thru the service. I like racing games too but am not familiar with the F1 series but have played some WRC games. I have been having fun with the new Grid game you may enjoy it as well. Thanks for the update! Game on!
Posted by blooddogg757 on 07 Feb 23 at 22:36
blooddogg757 👌✌️👍🙌😀😂🤣😎
Posted by blooddogg757 on 07 Feb 23 at 22:36
missiloon I can't believe it is already a month later since your last blog! This month flew by... and on the other hand, it did not.

I know that feeling of being burned out on games very well, but gladly most of the time after taking a break the enjoyment comes back. sometimes it is just looking for the right gaming during that mood (which also sucks because before I find that I go through the beginning of a few games and then later on I find it even harder to pick those games up again).

I hope you'll enjoy gaming again, don't force yourself, it will come back :D
Posted by missiloon on 08 Feb 23 at 00:08
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