CptCookie's Blog (2 followers)

2023: New year, new(ish) goalsPermalink

It's been a while since the last post. I successfully procrastinated writing another post until now. So it's about time to finally write another one.

What have I been up to these past 1 1/2 months, gaming-wise?
Oh, you know.. not much. Mostly pissing away my time. Especially December 2022 was kinda bad with plenty of days were I felt like "Meh, I don't want to do anything."

I gave My Summer Car another try since it has a lot achievements that net you lots of points. I also didn't play it in years, so I figured why not give it another try?
Long story short: Don't bother with that game. Seriously, just don't.
It's still buggy, arguably more tedious than ever before and still has the same flaws that plagued it 5, 7 or 9 years ago.
I did some research and found out that the game has been in development since (at least!) 2014. I remember that it was on Steam Greenlight at some point (anyone else remember that Greenlight was a thing?) and I might've even voted for it... but here we are: 2023, "My Summer Car" is still in early access.
I really don't want to rant too much about the game, I understand that it's one guy who works on it and that it's kind of a passion project.. but damn, it's just not a good game imo. Especially once you've assembled the Satsuma the game becomes very boring.

To remain somewhat sane I also played Bastion during December and tried to complete it. Bastion is still a good game, I enjoy the narration a lot although it's obvious that it was Super Giant's first major title. It's not on the same level as Hades, both gameplay- and story-wise. But hey.. Hades is a 11 out of 10 game, so Bastion is still at least an 8 out of 10 and well worth it.
Did I complete it? No.. I mostly have to do the arena achievements.. where you have to clear arenas while also having certain totems/modifiers activated. I simply didn't feel like grinding those, especially since the combat is a bit stiff and awkward at times. The controls aren't as fluid as they are in Hades... so yeah.. at some point I'll sit down and grind those cheevos for sure. But December wasn't the right point in time, I guess.

Besides those two games, I played a bit of Cyberpunk 2077 and I picked up Dome Keeper, Cult of the Lamb and Elden Ring during the christmas sale.

Cyberpunk 2077 really surprised me. I mean.. the setting and whole in-game world is right down my alley. I enjoy retrowave/retroelectro a lot (ever since that's been a huge thing in 2013/2014.. remember when Hotline Miami 1 came out?), I like retro futurism and of course all the neon lights and stuff. So Cyberpunk covers many of those bases, even though the story takes place in the near(ish) future.
It's also fun to think about truly autonomous AIs and transhumanism, what our lives would look like if we could somehow augment ourselves with technology instead of having to carry a smartphone everywhere.
But what surprised me was the optimization of the game. I use a somewhat aged system but I'm still able to run the game at 60 fps with some dips to 40 - 45 fps.
I also feel like Cyberpunk is one of the first game that I have played that does FSR right.
Since I play on an 1080p monitor I often run into the issue that FSR gives me more FPS (like it should, duh).. but at the same time the image becomes blurry and AA takes a hit as well.
With Cyberpunk I don't have any issues with FSR whatsoever.. maybe the image quality suffers a tiny bit. But it's certainly not as excessive as it is with most other games.
Overall, I feel like CD Project Red have worked hard to improve the game since the terrible launch.

Regarding Dome Keeper and Cult of the Lamb I can't say much about both titles at this point in time. At the moment I enjoy Dome Keeper more. It scratches that "just one more run"-itch very well while Cult of the Lamb started off strong but somehow gets less enjoyable the more I play it. Don't get me wrong: It's still a good game as far as I can tell. But it's definitely one of those games that start very strong but lose momentum the more you play them.

Elden Ring I purely picked up because it got multiple GOTY-awards (I think?). I have never finished a Souls-like game before. So trying to 100% that game will be an experience, I reckon. I mean.. I know what I'm in for, I'm just not sure if I can pull it off.

As far as goals for 2023 go:
My number one priority is to finally get my curator page on steam going. That's really something I want to do but as you can probably tell by now: persistency isn't my biggest strength, so that's gonna be a challenge by itself.
Besides that, I don't have it all planned out, things become a bit blurry.
Of course achievement hunting will always be on the menu, that's a given. I feel like that and the curator stuff pretty much go hand in hand.

The only other thing I can think off is sim racing. I always enjoyed racing games and in 2022 I gave iRacing a try.. which was so much fun, although pretty expensive at the same time. I think I would like to do that regularly again.. but not at the expense of the other stuff I mentioned. So I have to aim for some kind of delicate balance in that regard. But yeah.. the racing stuff is pretty much a topic for a whole blog post on it's own.

Well, I guess that's it for now.. this post is more than long enough, I guess.
To whoever made it this far (and although it sounds super corny): a (late) happy new year. May you stay healthy and reach your goals.. and thanks for reading my ramblings.
See you next time.
Posted by CptCookie on 15 January 23 at 16:37

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